86: Until the Sun Rises

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A humble looking gentleman donning suspenders and a newsboy cap calmly stepped outside and the cool night air hits him almost immediately.

He shivers slightly and rolls down his sleeves before walking out onto the platform of the train station. He sighs tiredly and reached in his pocket, deftly flicking open the packet of cigarettes and then patted down for his lighter.

He grimaced slightly, keeping the cigarette between his lips, avoiding the urge to swear at the lighter before the flame burst into life as he eventually got it to lit. Once satisfied, he took a drag as he leans against the cold brick wall.

He sighs as his lungs fill with smoke. It was nearing the end of his work shift and soon it wouldn't be long until the sun comes up. He feels his eyes flitter closed, if only for a moment, not to sleep but just to block out the rest of the world like it doesn't exist.

How he simply couldn't wait to return home to his loving wife and children back home.

"Excuse me, young man?!"

The man's eyes quickly opened, upon feeling a gentle tap on his shoulder and he looks down to see a short elderly woman with white hair, and donning a pink kimono.

She smiled warmly, her expression kind and gentle, "is this the Karasumori Train Station?" She asked.

Removing his cigarette from his lips, the gentleman smiled, "yes it is, ma'am." He replied kindly.

His answer delighted her greatly as she released a breath of relief as if she'd been searching for ages to find this station.

And oh how right he is.

"Thank goodness," she chortled, "I finally made it." She says, more to herself than him.

"Tell me, has the 6:15 ran yet?" She asked him.

'Huh, the 6:15?' The man pondered, but it eventually dawns on him!

Ah- she's talking about the the Class C11 type 2-6-4T steam locomotive that runs at 6:15pm.

The SL Mugen.

"I'm sorry ma'am," he apologizes, "I'm afraid that train has long since disembarked and it won't be back for another 14 hours or so."

He saw her smile become a frown and couldn't help empathize her.

"I see," she says softly.

"Err..b-but you could always wait til morning for the next train?" He tries to cheer her up.

But his reassuring response did very little. Though she really appreciated his offer, there's little to no time to sit and wait.

She had seen the visions and now the time has come. Her dear son-in-law was in grave danger and she didn't have much time to wait for another train!

"Thank you kindly, young man." Her smile returns, "I really appreciate your help, but I'm afraid I cannot wait for another. I have somewhere I need to be." She says.


"I'll just walk, then!" She chortles.

Confused, the man was about to question, but gasped when the elderly woman walked towards the train tracks and with her walking cane, she carefully steps down from the platform, and onto them.

⎣Demon Slayer: Yōkai Wife⎤ [雪花] |Kyōjurō Rengoku x Yuki-onna!Reader|Där berättelser lever. Upptäck nu