85: Issun-Bōshi

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Once upon a time, there lived a happily married couple and their son.

Their son, being the only and youngest born child, had always wanted a big brother.

The other children in the village had older siblings, so why could he?

So, one night, he pray to the Gods to bless him with a big brother.

A big brother who's kind, brave, and strong. No matter how tall...or small.

The next day, the mother and father found a small rice bowl on their table. Looking inside, instead of finding grains of rice, they were both shocked to find a little boy laying inside.

A little boy?

No. Not a little boy, but a young man! A very, very small young man, only one inch tall.

Their son, however, was overjoyed because his prayers had been answered.

He simply didn't care how small his "big" brother was; he was thankful and loved his sibling.

No matter how small he was, the mother and father agreed with their young son and treasured their new gift, and had named him Issun-Boshi.

For such a small person, Issun-Boshi was very strong and agile. He haf a very mighty appetite as he ate and ate like a grown man.

But not matter how much Issun-Boshi ate, he simply could not grow.

Poor Issun-Boshi wished to be taller. He longed to grow big and strong so he could help provide for his family.

One day, while fishing at the river that flowed past their village with his father and "younger" brother, Issun-Boshi asked his father,

"Where does this river go, father?"

"The river goes to the Great Valleys of Kyoto, Issun-Boshi." Saud the father. "It's said to be a wonderful place of riches, but I have never seen it."

A place of riches?!

It was then Issun-Boshi decided.

"Then I shall go there!" He tells his father. "I shall bring my family riches! Please help me get ready, father."

Issun-Boshi's family knew he was old enough to go on his own, so his father gave him a sewing needle to use as sword and his mother gave a rice bowl to use as a boat, and his younger brother gave him a pair of chopsticks to use as an oar.

With that, they waved farewell to their brave son as he sailed down the river to the Great Valley.

"Be safe, Issun-Boshi!"

The voyage took many days, and was fraught with peril obstacles.

Large fish tried to eat him and the rice bowl crashed into rocks, nearly tipping over Issun-Boshi. Whirlpools would spin it around and around, and a flock of herons would peered hungrily at Issun-Boshi with their beady eyes.

But undeterred, Issun-Boshi continued his journey as he bravely paddled and steered his boat with his chopsticks.

Issun-Boshi was determined, he never gave up!

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