53: Lovely Jiāngshī

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This was absolutely frustrating!

Every door you opened led to nothing but more empty rooms and more halls, while others led to dead ends.

Just how freaking big was this place? On the surface, it's a small shrine, but underneath, it's a large labyrinth.

You were beginning to grow impatient as you continued on your way to find Kyōjurō. You couldn't help the sinking feeling in your gut that something terrible had happened to him! The thought of that Jiangshi girl putting her hands on him sends you into a blind rage.

And what's even more so is that you still needed to find and kill that Daoist priest, Satsujin. There was no telling what he's planning at this very moment, considering you still didn't know what he'd meant by "becoming part of his garden."

Whatever the case, you knew for sure that it wasn't a good sign. But first, your main priority was focusing on finding your beloved.

Coming upon yet another door, you didn't hesitate to open it as you stumbled into a red room with a large embroidery rug and tapestries. You'd immediately taken note of several flower pots filled with bright red poppies. The vibrant colors and rich textures of the room created a warm and inviting atmosphere that contrasted sharply with the sense of foreboding that lingered in the air.

Shrugging it off, you were about to turn back when suddenly,

"Leaving so soon, yukihoe?" A female voice said from behind you.

Anger filled your body as you turned and glanced back to see the jiāngshī girl, Wuying smirking at you. The way her eyes gleamed with mischief only fueled your growing irritation, making you clench your fists in frustration. The tension between you two lingered in the air, thick and suffocating.

"You.." You hissed. "You got some nerve calling me hoe, little girl."

Demon or not, you weren't at all intimidated of her.

At your remark, Wuying scowls before standing. She was obviously pissed that you called her a little girl, despite being thousands of years older than you. With a sharp glare, she straightens her posture, the intensity radiating off her in waves.

"Hm, feisty little tramp, aren't you?" She muses while mocking you, chuckling darkly. Her voice is cold and cutting, her tone dripping with sarcasm as she stares you down, unblinking.

The atmosphere around her seems to crackle with tension, as if a storm is brewing just beneath the surface.

"I don't see why the Flame Pillar likes you. He could've done so much better. You're so ugly, both inside and out."

"Yeah, and I f**k your daddy last night." You spit back." You spit back, a smug expression on your face as you deliver the cutting retort.

  "He wasn't complaining."

You reacted quickly and blocked Wuying's kick with your naginata while inwardly laughing that you managed to get under her skin with your colorful remark.

Who would've thought demons were so emotionally sensitive underneath? Guess that goes to show: they're still human beings─just with fangs and claws.

⎣Demon Slayer: Yōkai Wife⎤ [雪花] |Kyōjurō Rengoku x Yuki-onna!Reader|Where stories live. Discover now