94: Mother & Son

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A/n: OMG~ finally updated! Sorry for the long, long wait. I've been struggling with some major writer's block as well as depression, but I'm so happy to be back!♡ Also, please be mindful of this chapter. I tried to blend a little of Christianity with Shinto, so do be kind (It's only fanfiction).


Kyōjurō's zori strides across the field of luxurious grass as he continues to follow his mother, Ruka, as she leads him on a path surrounded by blooming white flowers.

Trees of unknown origin and tall ionic pillars highlighted the way as Kyōjurō marveled at the spectacular display of beauty within this garden of Eden─this heavenly, terrestrial paradise, while feeling a great sense of love and belonging course through his very soul.

He found himself completely lost in the moment, oblivious to the passing time. The intricate details of nature's creation held him in a trance, as if he had stumbled upon a secret world.

"Come Kyōjurō!" He heard his mother, Ruka, call for him.

He hadn't realized that he'd stopped walking, having been far too enthralled by everything around him.

The vibrant colors of the flowers in full bloom, the gentle rustling of leaves in the breeze, and a heavenly melody played out a symphony that captivated his senses.

"Yes! Coming mother!" He said this after snapping out of his daze and hurriedly catching up to her.

"Is this still heaven, mother?" He asked, "If so, then why does everything look like a garden within a temple as though on earth?"

Ruka smiled warmly at her son. Even in the afterlife, Kyōjurō's curiosity gripped his soul.

"Our Father's home reaches up to the heavens, and its foundation is in the world of the living. He draws up water from the oceans and pours it down as rain on the lands."

Kyōjurō's eyes widen at this for he never heard such a thing. Being taught and raised in Shinto, he had always thought world was filled with gods and spirits, each with their own role and significance. But to hear his mother speak of the heavenly father─a single, all-powerful deity that ruled over everything and possessed tremendous power beyond human comprehension had piqued Kyōjurō's interest.

Granted, the world was vast and complex, full of different beliefs and philosophies, but the world beyond was far greater. And he found himself eager to learn more about this monotheistic perspective.

"That's amazing, mother!" He exclaims excitedly, "Father is amazing!"

"Which one? Your father... or our Father?" She asked him with a playful smile.

Kyōjurō chuckles bashfully, getting the hint. "Our father, the mighty King of the heavens, and the one who made you and I, mother."

"But my father is amazing, too." He added, his lips slowly forming a halfhearted frown.

"Unfortunately, he has grown distinct towards me and Senjurō. And he drinks. He wasn't pleased when I became a demon slayer and the new Flame Hashira."

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