12: The Second Test

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It'd taken your brain awhile to register what Otsune had just said.

I'm sorry, but did she just tell Kyojuro to strip, as in, get butt naked?

"Why do I need to strip?" Kyojuro replied questioningly.

No doubt, he was just as confused as you were. But for Otsune to tell him to do such a thing was unfitting. You'd never take your Obachan for the perverted kind!

"It's for your second trial." The elder woman grins.

Okay, she was definitely up to something! And the thought of Kyojuro naked made your heart kick into maximum overdrive.

Though you and Kyojuro had just confessed to one another and kissed, the idea of him getting naked felt like your relationship was moving too fast.

Is this what people mean by fast-forwarded relationships—you kiss someone only to see them naked?

"Now chop, chop!" Otsune pressed.

Your eyes widen at the sound of something falling to the ground and you looked to see it was Kyojuro's sword and belt as he then proceed to remove his haori.

You blush profusely, he's really going through with it!

Has he no shame?!

"Obachan, that's not explaining why he has to get naked!" You exclaimed.

"Oh, I assure you, it does. Now here, take this!" She said, handing you a mortar and pestle that had some herbs in it.

"Why do I need this? Just what are you up to, granny?" You growled.

"Enough questions! Now, I need you ground up this panax ginseng and ginkgo leaves and brew it into tea. Rengoku will need it once he's finished." She says.

"F-finished? Finished with what?! Quit stalling and tell me what Kyojuro's test is!" You growled, your patience growing thin at this point.

"A nice cold bath!" The elder woman finally answers.

Your eyes widen when the words leave her mouth.

A bath?!

Kyojuro's second test was a bath.

Wait! Did she say cold? You inwardly thought, but then heard rustling.

Curious, you glanced back over at Kyojuro. And you'd really wish you hadn't, because what you saw instantly made the butterflies in your stomach flutter as you mindlessly dropped the mortar and pestle.

Kyojuro had already taken off his brown gakuran jacket and white dress shirt and is now completely shirtless!

Your face erupted into a full-blown blush, and you felt like you were about to faint.

Holy shit!

His body was absolutely phenomenal, aligned with well defined lean muscles. His pectoralis were huge and he had abs that looked like you could scrape diamonds on, with a nice v-line leading down to his─

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