Chapter 56

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"She's up." An Unfamiliar voice echoed in my head as I opened my lid to the shallow world of my foggy vision.

"Get the doctor." I tipped my head to the side and winced from the pains on my left shoulder, as I trailed the figure that moved closer to my bedside. He was like a moving shade in black and only when he stood beside me did I recognised the sadness peering from his eyes.

"Annabelle." His deep masculine voice was unmistakably filled with concerned that made a teardrop.

"Aaron," I whispered, shuddering as he held on to my hand. It was the first personal contact we ever had and it meant more to me than words.

"Logan? Darcy?" I inquired, weakly.

"He is in the recovery room. The bullet that brushed through your shoulder went directly to his chest... But he will be fine."

I nodded with a wiry smile, glad by his assurance. "Darcy?"

He shook his head as I struggled to sit straight. Not ready for mime, I inquired again, this time with no smile. "Darcy?"

"She didn't make it Annabelle. She lost a lot of blood."

The shock of the news had me struggling to breath as I held on to the sheet of the hospital bed, letting down uncontrollable tears.

"I...I...caused it all," I said, sobbing loudly as he sat beside me.

"You did nothing. You have to brace up Annabelle..."

All he said faded as I slowly turned, welcoming the smiling Image of Darcy. So real...So beautiful...kind and loving it caused doubt on her departure.

But I swung to reality when I head his last words, "Your thirty minutes."

"Mum?" I inquired, now facing him as a different fear surfaced in my heart.

"Her Majesty summoned your mum."


I took painful steps out of the castle, as night breeze hugged my body with cruelty that made me cursed the night and all the event it unfolded.

Just yesterday, I was smiling from the adventure I thought it would never end. But tonight, I was a living ghost with no smile.

Life is cruel.

It was a thought, greatly confirmed by the sight of mum weeping for an offence she knew nothing of. She got into the car while I watched, knowing the clock was ticking as my only wish was to see Logan again...just once.


I turned with wide eyes, swallowing hard as graceful steps were taken towards me.

The moment she stood before me, I shut my eyes, expecting the hard impact of her hands on my cheeks but she rather hugged me. So tight I winced from pain, not of my hand but my heart.

"I am sorry," I said, finding my words as Laura pulled out and I opened my eyes.

"When everything is sorted, I will find you and we shall have a chat or probably laugh over it." She dabbed her eyes with a handkerchief before smiling. "Playing such stunt under mum's nose made you my best friend," she said, as her voice wobbled with retaining emotions.

"I'm sorry for lying to you... I-"

My apologies were left hanging when she hugged me again. "You need to leave now, we can talk about that later," she whispered and walked away without turning or waving but the warmness of her hug assured me that I wasn't alone.

Exhaling, I took my seat beside mum while Aaron turned on the car's engine.

I gazed at mum, hoping she said a word. Without being told, I knew I was a disappointment to her. The black sheep of the family, though I was the only sheep in the family. I needed no one to describe how pained and embarrassed she felt, it was visible on her clasped lips as she held on tightly to her purse and avoided eye contact.

Leaning on the window of the car, I closed my eyes and recalled the queen's final order after being summoned and questioned for more than an hour on all the lies I said and the actions I took.

"I need her out of my castle tonight, out of England in the next twenty-four hours," She said, staring with contempt from mum to me.

"Yes your Majesty," Mum replied.

"She is never to set foot in the United kingdom else I will hand her over... But you on the other hand will continue your treatment and remain here until you feel fit to leave," She said and immediately exited the room like it was affected by an ungodly disease.

Shaking my head, I silently said my goodbye to all that was within the castle... All that I loved but lost soo easily but in the process of letting go, I held on to the memories I made.

Without uttering a word, mum dropped from the car and walked straight into the flat, while aunt Valerie stood by the door with folded hands as I helped Aaron unpack my luggage.

"What will happen to you Aaron?" I inquired, speaking for the first time since we left the castle.

"That will be decided after her Majesty's speaks with Logan. I am obligated to all he says. I might be relieved of my duty."

"I am sor-"

"No, I am sorry for letting you get into this mess. I could have been a better adviser to him."

"It's was a pleasure meeting and working with you," I said, wrapping him in a one-sided hug before pulling my luggage.

"Same here." He smiled and zoomed off in haste.

The usual calmness of the flat was unmistakably gone and replaced with a creepy feeling of being watched as I pulled my language in.

My eyes wandered around the room and landed on mum whose wig was off her head and placed beside her on the sofa. Her hair was scraped from it's root reminding me of the fore-warning from Joshua. "Mama... I am sorry."

Ignoring my apology, she pointed at the space before her, an instruction I understood as I dropped my bag and rushed to my assigned position.

"Tell me everything," she said, slowly.

I nodded, ready to start from my meeting with Logan but she shook her head and stood.

"I mean everything from your uncle. Belle, tell me everything."


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