Chapter 28

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His red-painted office was an awful difference from the usual colours used in a hospital surrounding. It did not only made me tensed, but sick, as doctor Samuel explained Annabelle's condition.

I watched him picked a blue pen, with a ball cover that had a string dancing at its tips from a mug which spelt; Lazy but still a doctor.

From the years he worked as the family doctor, the bare haired man was beyond lazy and his steel-blue eyes could affirm to that.

He sighed and positioned the pen beside a laptop. "Your highness, I hope you understand where I stand and the uncertainty this holds?"

"She has no external injury but the presence of Carbon monoxide poisoning is present, this I must repeat," he explained, a second time.

I nodded and watched him play with a golden ring on his left finger.

"Now, I must ask, is she going to be ok?"

He nodded with a smile of certainty. "We are presently flushing the poisoning with the use of oxygen, but I must ask about the scars on her back."

I covered my curiosity with a frown, it was obvious he wanted more information that wasn't intertwined with the fire.

"Does this relate to the fire Doctor? In anyway does this connect to her present health condition?" I asked, with raised brows, but deeply alerted from his mention of scars.

He puffed and joined both hands on the desk. "No your highness."

"Then I believe we should let that go, when she regains consciousness will she be discharged immediately?"

"When she regains consciousness, which I believe will be any  moment, we still need to monitor her for the next 24hours."

"And very importantly, we can't determine the after-effects of any fire your highness. Years from now she might have issues of asthma or other complications regarding her lungs." He paused. "That's all I can say."

I shook my head and rolled my hands to a fist as my heart dropped into the deepest part of my aleady caged sea of sadness.

The fact Annabelle might suffer more from the action taken by my sister was a thorn drilling holes in my chest.

"How is your family Doctor Samuel?" I asked, a change of topic from the present.

His face brimmed with a smile as he picked the pen which I presume was a gift from one of his six daughters. "All fine and growing your highness."

"That is great." I stood, ready to join the ladies.


I strolled out of Doctors Samuel's offices, which was few feet away from the Deluxe room specially arranged for royals.

I walked into the room where Aaron and Rose sat on a black sofa at the left side of the bed while grandma sat on an armchair caressing Annabelle's hand.

"Grandma, I think you need some rest, your face is as sour as a lemon," I said, crossing the room to her.

"There is an extra bed I can use, we just need to arrang-"

"No, you are not going to sleep here." I pocket my hands in my jean and focused my eyes on Annabelle in a blue hospital gown.

Her lids were closed to the world and probably opened to the unconscious realm, as the oxygen mask covered her nose and mouth.

"Did they find the reason for the fire?" Grandma inquired, with a glorious smile focused only on Annabelle who couldn't return the bliss.


"Who? Who did this?" Rose interrogated with a pained voice and puffed cheeks that held all her annoyance.

Maintaining eye contact with her, I said, "It was Laura."

"Laura?" She asked, same time as grandma.

I stared at my wristwatch and noticed it was past 8:00 pm, past Sebastian and grandma's bedtime. "Rose, you need to get back to Sebastian and grandma you need some rest."

"And what about you?" Rose covered her face with both palm.

"I will take your position and stand watch." I smiled, placing my hands on Grandma's shoulder.

My action made her looked away from Annabelle. "Well then I can stay-"

"Grandma no."

My words changed her smiley face to a frown. "You can't be too sure grandson, I've slept on hard floors, dungeon, cars, trailers, and even-"

"You've slept in a dungeon?" Rose cuts her sentence with the same question that rang in my head.

"Well yes, I wish Eva was up, I'm sure she would love the tale."

"And why did you sleep in a trailer?" Rose asked, her lips parted in surprise, while her question won a mischievous grin from grandma

"That..." she paused, her eyes gleamed like it always did when she said tales of her childhood. "I'll tell you on our way home tonight."

She placed a kiss on my cheeks. "Take care of yourself and her."

I nodded. "Aaron will escort you through the exit, I will call you if anything comes up," I said, but I knew I wouldn't bother her beauty sleep, not for anything in this world.

She nodded and moved to a standing Aaron.

"What are you going to do about Laura?" Rose inquired, equally on her feet.

"We can talk about it when Eva regains her consciousness, but for now, I don't want to have that discussion."

She bobbed in understanding and caged me in a hug. "She is going to be alright, I'm sure of this," she said, pulling out.

"I know," I murmured and watched them walked out of the room.

Few minutes after Grandma and Rose left the room, I sat on the hospital's sofa staring at my wristwatch and saying a silent prayer.

I turned to Aaron who faced me with a bottled water swinging in his hand, his sleeves were folded and he looked more exhausted than I did.

"Why did she run into the fire, no sane person would do that?" I voiced out my thoughts.

Ever since my arrival at the hospital, this was all that rang in my heart.

The question of why?

"I believe she is in a better place to answer that your highness," he replied.

I nodded, but still let my brain pondered on why she did what she did.

Asif to answer my question, she moved her hands and slowly opened her eyelids.

I stood and turned to Aaron, who imitated my reaction. "I'm going to get the doctor," he said and walked out.

I moved to her side and noticed she was trying to take off the oxygen mask.

"Don't do that, you need to wait for the doctor," I warned, in a soothing voice.

She took her hands off it and slowly closed her eyes.

Reluctant to move from my position beside her, I watched her chest moved slowly to the beat of inhalation.

She opened her eyes and tried tugging off the oxygen mask again.

"Annabelle, you are not to do that," I scolded, but she arched her brows in response. It was a weak action that only earned her the look of a cute cat and not the fury lion she intended.

"I see you still have your charms," I said welcoming the warm smile that spread on my lips and the thought she really was going to be ok.

Just then, the door opened letting in Aaron, doctor Samuel and a dark skin nurse in white scrub.


Authors note.

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