Chapter 24

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I watched her stood from the sofa in her black plan C trouser, and a sky blue flowery shirt. She moved to the large portrait of King Athelstan, hung beside a white drawer and stood engrossed in the portrait.

"You know what it means to be the heir to the throne, I believe?"

I nodded, despite the fact, her back was turned to me. She moved from the portrait to the white drawer and brought out a brown envelope. With leisurely gait, she walked back to her seat.

She passed the brown envelope to me. "This was taken a few days back."

With a sweaty palm and a racing heart, I opened the envelope.

Immediately, I felt chills ran down my spine as my eyes absorbed the picture of Joshua and I, holding hands and walking into the hospital Saturday Evening.

"Helen took those pictures a few days back, quite unexpected I must say." she paused, her fixed gaze on me. I bit my lower lips, holding back my urgent need to use the latrine.

"I would have further investigated this, but I gave my word to Logan before your arrival, and for one I expect the truth."

I nodded. "Your majesty, that is a friend of mine, he stays in Alabama but came to visit his sick Mum," I said, once again shocked by my ability to lie.

Still staring at me with the same grim expression she said, "And Logan knows about this?"

"Yes ma'am."

"I see your relationship with my son is a strong one." She gave me a weak smile that barely moved her lips.

I swallowed and felt a sharp pain down my throat, but still smiled.

"You might have friends, but you need to be careful. Logan has put in a lot of work in keeping the media and the family away from you, but a display of affection publicly." She pointed to the pictures I held. "Is not accepted."

"Yes ma'am."

"This is a speech I would love Logan to give, but I believe getting it from me is best." She picked her newspapers from the stool. "And honestly I expected more from you, you have a relationship with Logan, an honest relationship that he never had, I believe you understand what I'm saying?"

Taken aback by her level of disclosure, I nodded. "You can leave now, I believe the rest are waiting in the field for you."

"Thank you, your majesty." Feeling an overwhelming relief, I stood and felt blood flowed to my shaking legs, I curtsied and walked out, not daring to turn.


I walked into my room, leaned with my back on the door, and gave way to my buckling knees. With my hands covering my face, I inhaled and exhaled slowly, an attempt to steady my heart rate.

"Cálmese Annabelle," I muttered and stood straight. With shaking hands, I took off my shirt.


I felt the harsh morning sun on my skin as I sauntered towards Aaron in a brown boot and black jodhpur.

"Fun fact, do you know heels have the capacity of killing?"

"I wanted to get flat shoes for you, trust me, but Logan insisted on heels."

I felt a bang in my head and turned to him, jarred by this piece of information. "You mean I could be on something safer than heels all this while?" I sneered.

"Yes," he said, his eyes focused on the race which Edward was winning, next to him was Logan trying to catch up.

I wish I can pill your face with those heels you got me, I thought, staring at Logan as he crossed the finish line and unmounted his horse.

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