Chapter 25

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I walked into my room with Aaron trailing behind me. "I will be back in a couple of hours."

"I thou-"

I moved to my wardrobe, brought out a blue jean trouser and white short sleeves. "I'm cancelling any plans I have, I need to see Emily and Gloria."

"That is great, It's been months, are you taking Laura along?"

"Not this time, just ensure Annabelle stays clear of Eva." I placed my cloth on my bed and ran my fingers through my hair, exhaling as I did.

He nodded. "Your highness, we both know, no one can keep check of her, but I believe she will behave just as she has been doing."

I raised my brows turning from my bed to face him. "Such faith you have, what about the escapade she just pulled?"

"I can't say much about that, but there is no need to worry."

I smiled, staring speechless at him for seconds before turning my attention back to my clothes.

I was amazed by his opinion of Annabelle. Aaron, who was against my choice from the onset seemed to be drawn to the Mexican American feigning as the love of my life.

"And my regards to little Emily, do take some chocolate and of course for Gloria, some flower."

"How can I ever forget those charming gifts?" I said, striding past him into my bathroom.


I parked beside Gloria's blue truck, in front of the white Bungalow, and smiled as Emily, Gloria's thirteen-year-old granddaughter rode her wheelchair to the front porch.

Aaron and I found Gloria and Emily on the dark street of England three years back, she was shoved to the street with her crippled granddaughter, who lost her legs from an accident that also took the life of her only child.

I picked the box of chocolates, the sunflower and Rose flowers from the seat beside me and stepped out.

I strolled to the gorgeous girl who wore her contagious smile that made her brown skin glow in the sunflower dress she wore.

"You look beautiful today," I said, handing the box of chocolates to her.

"And you look stiff as always," she answered, her brown astonished eyes twinkled as she wheeled forward.

I leaned in and kissed her forehead. "I've I ever mentioned you ride like a drunk?"

She chuckled in her tiny sing-song voice. "Well, this is not the first time I've been told that but we'll know I have no legs to walk, so I fly with my wheels." She paused, her face wrinkled in a frown. "I need to write this down, I think it will fit in my poem."

She stared at the flowers I held. "You know grandma is going to keep this and give you another in exchange right?"

I nodded. "That I know."

Gloria, so obsessed with flowers stocked the three-bedroom bungalow with any she could find, and never forget to give off old ones as gifts, just to create space for new stocks.

"She's not going to let you in your highness, you need to ignore her!" Gloria's voice echoed from within.

I handed Emily the flowers and wheeled her into the sitting room, welcoming the smell of freshly baked cinnamon biscuits.

Gloria strolled out of the kitchen holding a plate filled with biscuits. "Your highness," she curtsied.

I took the plate off her hands and moved to the dining table. "I see we have to argue about this every time Gloria, I rather you call my name."

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