Chapter 21

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My eyes moved from Aaron, who sat facing me, to Logan, who stood facing the fireplace with his back to us.

The encounter with Logan's ex, the same lady I was impersonating, wasn't the pleasant welcome we all expected. Logan got over the shock quicker, but the frown that made his lips tiner was evidence he was brainstorming himself.

I felt thrown out of the plot, as I sat on the grey sofa in his room with my hands holding on to my phone.

Why was she here?

How could she be dating Leo?

What is going to happen next?

My head was blank with no answer to these questions, the thought of doom and being caught, were all I could think of.

I took my eyes off Logan seizing the opportunity to properly survey his room. It was quite similar to mine, with a chandelier hanging right at the middle, a gathering of sofa's away from his well-dressed bed with a white duvet covering it.

My eyes went glued to the painting of a lady in a black dress, hung on his powder blue wall, she was  surrendered by black rose-like flowers, her eyes were focused on her viewers, searching their souls.

I stared into her eyes and felt the hair at the back of my neck stood up.

"What are you going to do?" Aaron asked, snapping me back reality.

"She won't say a word," Logan answered, moving from the fireplace with his hands in his pocket.

"How sure are you?" Aaron asked.

"I know Eva," he said, his voice cold and deep.

"But why is she here?"

Logan moved to the piano placed in front of a little drawer facing the sofa's, he took off his jacket and took his seat on the piano stool.

"That is left for me to find out."

I speechlessly turned to Aaron whose face was calm as always, but the redness of his nose sold him out. Just then, we heard a knock, Aaron stood up and strolled to the door.

"Good morning Your highness," he greeted with a bow.

"Good morning Aaron." Came the high-pitched voice.

Logan stood from his position and headed to the door where a redhead stood, from my script I knew she was the youngest of the royals.

"Laura," Logan said, pulling her to a hug.

"Don't squish me brother."  she pulled out with a wide grin.

He lifted her hair in a playful manner. "You dyed your hair?"

Ignoring his question she pushed past Logan. "Where is she?"

I stood up ready to impress another royal, but without warning, she pulled me into a hug.

"It's soo nice to meet you Eva, I hope dating my brother hasn't been as awful as I think it is?" She said pulling out.

I smiled. "It isn't, and it's nice to meet you Laura."

"Have mum seen this?" Logan asked ignoring the connection between his sister and I. He lifted the tip of her hair, which made her turned back, slapped his hands and turned to me smiling.

"Don't worry eldest one, her majesty the queen, who is also my mother, has commanded I wash them off."

"C'mon, we don't have to stand like guards," Logan said, taking his seat.

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