Chapter 24: Pung Yon

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Everyone's hearts were pounding in their chest. No one could move, as they watch Jin use his magic on Jungkook once more. Taehyung stood near the door in complete shock with his eyes full of fear. Yoongi had a worried look on his face while looking at Jungkook and Jimin. Namjoon decided to carry Jimin to the cabin so Jin could heal him when he was done with Jungkook.

Yon stood in the far corner of her bedroom, away from the group. She didn't move and just watched. Everyone had the same thing in their mind. Would Jungkook make it? Yon faced Taehyung who seemed to be praying. Taehyung's hands were shaking non-stop, as tears left his eyes as he prayed.

'Please, don't take him away. Please, make sure he lives!' Taehyung prayed to someone, anyone who was listening. He just wanted Jungkook to be ok. He wants to get to know Jungkook more. To get close to him.

Jin gasped as Jungkook opened his eyes and grabbed his arm. Everyone looked at him, worry in their eyes. Jungkook's eyes held fear and pain in them. He opened his lips a little and said what he needed to say before passing out again.

"It's gone."

The dragon warriors tensed at the words that left Jungkook's mouth. Taking a deep breath, they all shook their heads and focus on Jungkook and Jimin.

"Yon, thank you." Namjoon gave the girl a kind smile. He could sense her panic. Yon just nodded before walking out of her room to get some air. "She sure has grown up."

"She has." Yoongi simply said as picked up Jimin's head and sat down on the couch in Yon's room. Yoongi gently place Jimin's head on his lap, not wanting the boy to wake up. "Anyways, could you tell me what happened to Jimin now?"

"Chim chim passed out after telling us to come here." Taehyung said with a soft voice. "Jin hyung checked him before we came. Jimin's body is very weak due to not sleeping... I knew Jimin had trouble sleeping but it wasn't this bad."

"What do you mean?"

"Jimin has Insomnia. It wasn't this bad until recently..." Taehyung said as he rubbed his eyes. He was tired from worrying. However, he refuse to go to sleep. "Anyways, who was that girl?"

"Her name is Pung Yon. She's 18 years old and is about to graduate." Namjoon said with a smile. He was so proud of Yon. "Yoongi and I met her when she was 6. Her parents had died in an accident and was surviving on the streets. Yoongi and I took her in and raised her. When she turned 15, she found this cabin to live in and moved out. We see her around town now and then."

"She comes and visits us at the library at least twice a month. She said she's busy with school, and wanting to do everything she can to insure she graduates." Yoongi said as he ran his fingers through Jimin's dark blue hair. He stared down at Jimin's face. Yoongi was surprised to see that Jimin's sleeping face was quite cute. Yoongi was still worried about Jimin, but he took a deep breath and told himself that he would be ok.

Hoseok looked out the bedroom door, with a finger in his chin, thinking. Hoseok walked out the room and down the stairs. He looked out the window and saw Yon outside. He decided to go and join her.

Hearing the door open, Yon jumped and turned around. She relaxed when she saw it was the man from earlier today. Hoseok gave her a kind and sweet smile, which made her relax even more.

"May I sit?" Hoseok asked in a calm voice. Yon nodded, giving Hoseok permission to join her. Hoseok lowered himself down and sat next to her. "My name is Jung Hoseok. I wanted to say thank you for saving our friend."

"Oh, I didn't do anything, really." Yon said as she played with her fingers and stared at the ground. Hoseok looked at her and analyzed her. He looked up at the sky before speaking.

"But you did help him. If it wasn't for you, we wouldn't have know if he was hurt." Hoseok said with a small frown. The frown deepened when he spoke next. "Namjoon and Yoongi don't know about what's happening at school, do they?"

Yon tensed up, and fidgeted with her fingers even more. That was all Hoseok needed, to know that they don't know. Hoseok took a deep breath before facing Yon.

"What's happening at schook? And why do you have bruises on you?" Hoseok said in a serious but calm tone of voice. He didn't want to scare Yon by being to serious, but he was worried. Namjoon and Yoongi both care about her, and it would break them if something bad happened to her. "You don't have to-"

"Everyone hates me." Yon said in a quiet voice. Hoseok heard a sniffle from Yon, and he knew she had tears in her eyes. "They make fun of me, and tell me I should go join my mom and dad in hell. They joke about how my parents die and make fun of Namjoon oppa and Yoongi oppa."

Hoseok never liked how humans were to each other. He dislike the wars, and hatred between humans. But he was also happy and cheerful by the love humans share. He later came to realize that the world in a cruel and nasty place. But it was also a very beautiful and happy place as well.

Yon wiped her tears away with her long sleeve. Hoseok frowned before placing his hand on top of her head. Yon's eyes widen and looked up at Hoseok, who was giving her a small smile with kind eyes. Yon's face turned red, as her heart started beating a little faster.

"Don't let that get to you. They don't know anything. I understand it's haed, but stay strong. For yours and Namjoon and Yoongi sake." Hoseok said as he patted Yon's head before standing up. He dusted himself off and walked over to the door. He looked back at Yon and gave her a big closed eye smile. "And not everyone hates you! I like you!"

Yon's eyes widen as her cheeks turned rosy red as she looked at Hoseok's smile. Hoseok walked inside and closed the door, leaving Yon a flustered mess. She could hear her heart pound in her ears as one thing ran through her head.

'Who is Jung Hoseok?'
Omg, I'm so sorry for the super late update! My first semester is coming to an end and I need to pick up my grades (rip). But I will try to at least get a couple of chapters out between the three weeks before my first semester ends! Please understand that I am also a student, and school take put a lot of my time. I hope you understand and enjoyed this chapter!


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