Chapter 29: Jungkook's Past Pt. 2

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Make sure you read the chapter before this, since this is a triple update!

Jungkook sat down on the grass next to the wolf. In front of them was Vio, who stood in silence, thinking. Jungkook shook with nerves, he hated the silence. The wolf was just laying down with a bandage leg, with it's eyes closed. The wolf felt Jungkook shaking with nerves, and ended up resting it's head on the boy's lap. Letting out a sigh, Vio spoke.

"Let me get this straight." Vio started as he looked at Jungkook and the wolf. "You saved this wolf from being tied up in rope, then a man with a spear came to kill the wolf. So, you thought it was a good idea to lie about a rule that we don't have, nearly getting yourself killed. Then you used your eyes and fangs to scare the guy off."


"Are you and idiot!" Vio yelled at Jungkook, who jumped. Jungkook knew why he was getting yelled at. He knew he shouldn't have done what he did. "What would have happened if the man was from Bronzegard? And I have told you multiple times to never use your eyes and fangs to scare civilians!"

Jungkook had a pout on his face, knowing what he did was wrong. He went against Vio's order about using his eyes and fangs to scared people. But Jungkook had to save the wolf, he didn't know why though.

"However," Vio sighed as he walked over to Jungkook and the wolf. Kneeling down, Vio placed a hand on Jungkook's head. Jungkook looked up at Vio, who smiled at him. "You did a good job at protecting the wolf."

"Thank you!" Jungkook said with a huge bunny smile. Vio ruffled Jungkook's hair and stood up. Vio looked down at the black wolf, who was also staring. Vio narrowed his eyes at the wolf. Jungkook petted the wolf's head with a happy smile on his face. Jungkook was happy that he only got a yelling from Vio.

"So," Vio said in a serious voice. Jungkook and the wolf both looked up at Vio. Vio crossed his arms and a stared at the wolf. "Are you going to show us your human form, or no?"

Jungkook, who was confused, tilted his head. He looked between Vio and the wolf, which both had hard eyes. The wolf grumbled a bit before sitting up. A bright light shone in Jungkook's face, making Jungkook close his eyes. But when Jungkook opened his eyes again, sitting next to him was a boy an not a wolf.

"What's your name?"

"Si-woo" The boy said with a grumble and a glare. Jungkook stared at the boy. Si-woo had black long hair, which was in a loose and messy ponytail. Si-woo looked older than Jungkook, around 16 years old. Si-woo, even though he was young, looked extremely handsome. Si-woo, feeling eyes on him, turned and looked at Jungkook. "What are you looking at?"

Jungkook's face turned red as he turned his face away. Jungkook fiddled with his fingers, a nerves habit of his. Jungkook knew he liked boys for awhile now. Jungkook never talked to a boy before, simply because he was busy training. Jungkook, who was still looking down, asked a question. "U-Um, what are you?"

"He's a Yokai, Jungkook." Vio said with crossed arms. Vio looked at Si-woo again, thinking about something before speaking. "You know, your kind are deemed as evil and dangerous. You will continue being hunted."


"I think it would be best if you become a familiar. That way-"

"No way in hell!" Si-woo yelled as he stood up. Si-woo, who was only 16 years old, was already 5'7. Si-woo's white eyes clashed with Vio's red ones. "There's no way I'll become your familiar!"

"I never said me." Vio said, letting out an irritated sigh. Si-woo's eyes widen a little bit, curious about what Vio was saying. Vio pinched the bridge of his nose and closed his eyes. Teenagers were very annoying and hard to handle. Opening his eyes again, Vio looked Si-woo in his eyes. "Become Jungkook's familiar and protect him from now on. That way, you both can protect each other."

Jungkook's and Si-woo's eyes widen, and their brows raised. They turned and faced one another, before looking at Vio again. Vio had a serious look on his face. Jungkook heard Si-woo hum. Jungkook looked at Si-woo, who had a look that said he was considering the offer. Before Jungkook could speak, Si-woo spoke.

"Fine." Si-woo said before facing Jungkook and walking closer to the said boy. Jungkook, with flushed cheeks, backed away from Si-woo. The way to seal a familiar contract was a kiss, and Jungkook wasn't prepared for it. Jungkook ended up tripping and falling on his butt. Jungkook had his eyes closed, hissing at the pain. However, His eyes snapped open when he felt warm and soft lips on his. A yellow light shone around them, and when it faded Si-woo opened his eyes. Si-woo pulled away and looked at Jungkook's blushing face, and smirk. Standing up, Si-woo dusted off his bottoms. He reached a hand out for Jungkook and gave him a smirk while speaking, "Why the red face, Master."


It had been a year since Si-woo became Jungkook's familiar. Jungkook began to develop feelings for his familiar, who would causal tease him. Jungkook would often get flustered by the familiar's actions of words. Vio had stopped training Jungkook because he taught every already. Vio had made the boy come to a meeting were he met the other dragon warriors like Jungkook. Each of the dragons who taught Jungkook and the others, gave them a crystal necklace with their element color.

Jungkook was currently sitting on his bed, contemplating his life. He had learn that his feelings for his familiar were one sided and would never be returned. He also knew that if they started dating, they would get a lot of hate. A relationship with a familiar was frown upon, as well as being gay. Jungkook wish the world was different. He wished he could be in a world were he could truly be himself without worrying, and be able to date Si-woo and one day become husbands. But he knew that said world would never exist.

"What are you thinking about, master?" Si-woo's deep voice said, interrupting Jungkook's thoughts. Si-woo had a plate of food in his hand, as he walked over to the desk next to Jungkook's bed. Si-woo placed the plate on the desk, feeling Jungkook watching his every move. "You love checking me out, don't you."

Jungkook's face turned red, as he looked down at the ground. Oh no, did Si-woo figure out that Jungkook liked him? That Jungkook liked males? Jungkook was so deep in his thoughts that he didn't know the Si-woo had walked over to him. Well, not until Si-woo spoke again.

"You have that look in your eyes." Si-woo said into Jungkook's ear, causing a shiver to be sent down Jungkook's spine. Jungkook fiddled with his fingers, extremely nerves about how closer Si-woo was. "The look that is begging for me to kiss you."

"I-I don't know what your talking-"

Before Jungkook could finish, Si-woo connected their lips. Jungkook didn't kiss back, he was to shocked. However, when he realized what was happening, he started to kiss back. Si-woo stood up, not breaking the kiss, cupping Jungkook's face. A couple of kisses turned into a full blown make out. Si-woo pushed Jungkook down on the bed, crawling on top of him and having both is legs on either side of Jungkook. Si-woo started kissing Jungkook once more, feeling Jungkook grip his shirt.

After awhile, they pulled apart to catch their breath. Jungkook's face was completely red from embarrassment. Si-woo looked down at Jungkook, with a smirk on his face. Lowering his mouth to Jungkook's ear, he whispered "Just let me know when you wanna do that again, master~" Si-woo got off of Jungkook and walked out the door, leaving Jungkook a blushing mess.

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