Chapter 22: A Surprised Guest!

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"Come on and help us, will you!" Jimin yelled as he glared at Yoongi, who was trying to go to sleep. Namjoon had asked the group to place a lot of  books back on their rightful place. Everyone was helping, well other than Yoongi.

Jimin let out a sigh when Yoongi didn't even move. Jimin was angry that Yoongi was ignoring him. So, Jimin walked over to Yoongi and smacked his head. This caused Yoongi to turn around and give Jimin a death glare. Jimin had a smirk on his face as Yoongi stood up from his nap couch and glare down Jimin. For some unknown reason, Jimin loved the look of pure anger on Yoongi's face and it was caused by him. 

"Why the hell did ya hit me?" Yoongi said in a deep tone. He was upset that he could't take his nap. He waited for Jimin to give him an answer, but instead he was handed a stack of books.

"Go and put those in their rightful place." And with that Jimin walked off, also carrying his own stack of books. Yoongi mumbled about how stupid this all was, but still went to put the books back in their place. 

The library door opened, and in walked a man. He stepped inside and looked around with a sparkle in his eyes and a big smile. Hearing the door open, Taehyung who was the closest person to the main hall, walked over. Taehyung was going to tell the man to kindly leave since the library was closed. However, the man spoke first.

"Wow! Namjoon and Yoongi did a great job building this library. When I heard about them joining together and building a library years ago, I didn't believe!" The man said to himself as he let out a small laugh. Taehyung's eyes widen. The man knew not only Namjoon but also Yoongi?

"Um, sorry to ask but, do you know Namjoon hyung and Yoongi hyung?" Taehyung asked the man, who looked surprised to see someone next to him. The man screamed and jumped away from Taehyung, which was scared by the man's scream. Hearing the scream, the others came running to the main hall. 

"What happened?" Jimin asked as he ran over to Taehyung. Jin, Namjoon, and Yoongi all looked at the man, who was hiding behind one of the library's couches. When Jimin was sure that Taehyung was alright, he looked at the man. Jimin and Taehyung both tilted their heads as they looked at the man. "Who is this man?"

Before anyone could say anything, Yoongi had walked over to the man and grabbed his ear. The man cried as Yoongi pulled the man over to the group. Jimin and Taehyung were confused, but didn't say anything. When Yoongi and the man were in front of the group, he let go of the man's ear.

"Ow, why did you do that Yoongi?" The man whined as Yoongi just rolled his eyes. Jin had a huge smile on his face. which Namjoon was staring at. After the man stopped whining, the man looked at the group. "It's good to see you Namjoon, Jin." The man said with a smile. He then looked at Taehyung and Jimin before tilting his head. "I'm sorry, but who are you two?"

"Hoseok, these are my friends Taehyung and Jimin." Jin explained with a kind smile. The man, who's name was Hoseok, nodded. Hoseok looked around the main hall looking for someone, but he didn't find them. "If you are looking for Jungkook, he left to Shadow mountain."

"Why the hell would he go to that cruel place!" Hoseok raised his voice. Jin just shook his head, as Hoseok had scared Taehyung by raising his voice. 

"Well, you see...."


Jungkook let out a sigh, he was out of breath. He had be walking for hours and is barely in the middle of the mountain. However, he needed to get to the top of the mountain and fast. His, his hyungs, and Taehyung and Jimin's lives are at risk. Jungkook ran his right hand through his hair that was covered in snow. Shadow mountain was known for snowing all throughout the year. 

Jungkook frowned as he felt a shiver ran down his spine. Jungkook disliked the cold weather. I mean, it's not like he could feel it, he just hated that with the cold weather came snow, which he disliked. Jungkook hated snow simply because it was problematic. He once almost drown in snow when he trip over his foot. 

Jungkook shook his head and started walking more deeper into the mountain. He was only a few minutes away from the cave that's at the top of the mountain that holds the grimoire. Now even ten minutes later, Jungkook could see the cave in front of him. Letting out a sigh, Jungkook walked into the cave. 

When he reached the end of the cave, his heart stopped. Jungkook looked around the cave, before he pulled at his hair. The grimoire was gone. Jungkook eyes held fear in them as he ran out of the cave and down the mountain. He had to get back to the others and tell them. Now that the grimoire was gone, everyone's life was a stake. 

As Jugkook ran down the mountain, he heard loud footsteps chasing him. Jungkook stopped near a cliff and closed his eyes. However, he opened his eyes once more and was shocked to see six big snow wolves surrounding him. And by big, I mean big. They were taller than Jungkook himself. And these weren't normal snow wolves, these snow wolves were ten times stronger. 

Jungkook tched as he looked for a way to break pass them. But before he could think of a way to escape, one of the snow wolves launched at him. Jungkook jumped out of the way before getting attacked by other one, until all of them were attacking Jungkook. One charged at him in the front as another charged from the back. Jungkook jumped to the side, causing the two snow wolves to collide. However, what Jungkook didn't see was the snow wolves behind him. Before Jungkook could react, the snow wolf slashed him making him fall to the ground in pain. 

Just then, Jungkook heard the Snow Fairy's song. Jungkook hissed in pain as he tried to get up, but his body was to weak. His vision started to blur as he fought back the sleepiness he felt. Before he complete lost consciousness, he spoke.

"I'm sorry Taehyung"


Gah, I'm so sorry this came out late, I've been busy with a project for my Agriculture Foods, and Natural Resources class. On top of that, my insomnia is quite bad these days. Anyways, I hope you like this chapter and I'll see you next time.


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