Chapter 6: The Lan Clan

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Taehyung and Jimin had been walking for three whole days now. They were finally arrived at the town of Ballbbad (Ball-bot) and were walking around. The Fairy Forest were on the other side of town.

Taehyung was amazed by how beautiful the town was. All around him were people smiling and laughing. Little children were running around, playing. People selling stuff like toys, bags and jewelry. The atmosphere was warm and relaxing.

"Let's go Tae. We best get to the Lan clan soon. It's getting dark already." Jimin said, pulling Taehyung out of his head. Taehyung nodded and they started to head to the forest.

"Hey chim."


"Do you think they'll let us speak to the dragon warrior?" Taehyung asked as they walked through the town. He liked to look at the beautiful lights.

"I honestly don't know." Jimin spoke truefully. They didn't know anything about the earth dragon warrior. And he only knew about the basic info on the Lan clan.

The Lan clan are a very respected clan, and a well known one as well. The Lan clan has quite a lot of rules and if one is broken, then you will be punished. But that's all Jimin knew, other then the clan leader and his family. Jimin just hopes that they let them speak to the dragon warrior.


Taehyung and Jimin were walking in the Fairy Forest for some time now. They entered the forest 15 minutes ago and are still walking. Just when Taehyung was about to give up, they heard people talking and lights in the distance.

As they approached the sound, the saw a small village. At the entrance there was a sign that had The Cloud Recesses on it. Jimin and Taehyung entered.

"Halt!" A gruff voice yelled, causing Taehyung and Jimin to stop. Taehyung and Jimin turned around to look at the owner of the voice. "Who are you and what is your business?"

"Uh..." Taehyung didn't know what to say.

"This is Kim Taehyung, and I'm Park Jimin. We wish to speak to the earth dragon warrior." Jimin said blankly.

"I'm sorry, but you will not speak to the dragon warrior. Now, please leave." The man said with a flat voice.

"We won't leave, until we speak to the dragon warrior." Taehyung said, the look of determination on his face. The man glared at Taehyung.

"Look here bonehead," the man started. Taehyung looked offended and Jimin looked pissed. "You will not speak to the dragon warrior, now leave or I'll make you!"

"How dare you call him that!" Jimin was pissed. How could he say that? It was very rude and he could tell it hurt Taehyung, even if he didn't show it.

"Please, let me speak to him. I must ask him something." Taehyung pleaded. The man rolled his eyes and grabbed Taehyung's arm tightly. "Ouch."

The man started dragging Taehyung out. When Jimin eyes widen as he saw a pained look on Taehyung's face. The man threw Taehyung on the ground, causing Taehyung to injure his hand. When Jimin saw blood dripping down Taehyung's hand, he lost all control.

Jimin walked straight up to the man and kicked him in his balls, causing the man to fall on the ground. Jimin rolled him over and started to punch him in the face.

It only took a few seconds before other guards come and pulled Jimin off the man, who now had a broken nose.

"Chim, please calm down." Taehyung said, holding his injured hand with his other. Jimin stopped and turned to Taehyung. He pushed the guards off him and went to Taehyung.

"Are you in pain?" Jimin asked and gently grabbed hold of Taehyung's injured hand. Taehyung shook his head no.

"What's the commotion over here?" A sweet and gentle voice asked. Everyone turn to face the owner of the voice, as the man who hurt Taehyung and Jimin had a glaring contest.

"Ah, dragon warrior it's nothing." One guard said. The Dragon warrior looked between the man who hurt Taehyung and Jimin. Then his glaze fell on Taehyung's. He then smelt the smell of blood, and saw Taehyung's hand.

"It doesn't look like nothing." The dragon warrior said as he walked towards Taehyung. However when he was close to him, Jimin stepped in front of him with a glare. Jimin had a protective hand out. "I'm not going to hurt you two. However, you need to stop the bleeding. And get some bandages wrapped around that injured hand of yours."

Jimin looked the dragon warrior up and down. He could feel the warm and kind era around this guy. He stepped aside, still having his guard up.

"Please follow me, so I can treat your injury. You can come as well." The dragon warrior said as he turned around and started walking. Taehyung and Jimin followed behind him. The dragon warrior lead them into a house. "Please sit."

Taehyung did as the man said. He watched the man with curious eyes. The man looked fairly young, however Taehyung could tell the warrior was older.The dragon warrior sat in front of Taehyung. He gently took Taehyung's hand and he started to do his thing.

"Um," Taehyung wanted to ask to the warrior. However, he was hesitant. He wanted to apologize to him first, but he wondered if it was okay to bring it up. "Dragon warrior-"

"Please, do call me that." The man said with a kind smile. In all honesty, he hated when people called him "the dragon warrior". It kinda annoyed him.

"Then, what's your name?"

"Kim Seokjin. But you can just call me Jin." The man said as he wrapped Taehyung's hand up with bandages. "If you don't mind me asking, what happened back there?"

"We wanted to speak with you, about something. However, that man didn't let us. And when we refused to leave, he grabbed my arm and pushed me out." Taehyung explained to Jin, who was not looking pleased by what he just heard.

"Kwan did that?" Jin asked with a frown on his face. He took a deep breath before looking at Taehyung. "I apologize for his behavior."

"It's fine"

"Anyways, what did you want to talk to be about?" Jin asked as he stood up and put anything the things he used to clean and wrap Taehyung's hand. Taehyung looked at Jimin, who was still in a mood.

"I would first like to apologize." Taehyung said, which confused the elder. "You see, my name is Kim Taehyung, the Second Prince of the Heart Kingdom."

Jin stopped what he was doing when Taehyung introduced himself. His heart started racing, as his hands started to shake. He soon dropped the kit full of medicine and injury stuff, on the ground.

"...." Jin had nothing to say. He was to preoccupied on trying to calm down. Why would a member of the royal family be here? While what happened with the first king happened again? And what did the second prince want from him?

I don't think I mention this, but this is mostly based on a manga and anime series called "Yona of the Dawn". Although, I changed a few things. Oh! Yesterday I got some manga prints, so I can make a manga wall!! Anyways, hope you enjoyed this chapter. See you next time.


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