Chapter 16: Ice Dragon

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"I'm hungry." Jimin whined. He was currently on Taehyung's back. They have been traveling for a week now. Three days ago, the food Jungkook had brought with him was gone. Thus meaning they haven't ate for three days.

Jungkook glared at Jimin. He too, was hungry. It doesn't help to talk about how hungry one is, because that will only make the others even more hungry.

"I need food~"

"Will you shut the fuck up already!" Taehyung snapped, causing Jungkook and Jin to widen their eyes and stop walking. Taehyung is very mean when he hasn't eaten anything and Jimin's whining was pissing him off. "We all are fucking hungry, so shut up!"

Jimin pouted before resting his chin on top of Taehyung's head. Jimin was getting really tired. You see, Taehyung gets angry when he hasn't eaten, however Jimin gets whiney and sleepy when he hasn't eaten. Which is why Taehyung is carrying him.Jimin's eyes finally closed, and his mind fell into the dream world.

"Finally he's asleep." Taehyung let out a sigh. He looked at Jungkook, who was has placed his hands into his jean pockets. Taehyung walked a bit faster to catch up to Jungkook. When he was walking beside Jungkook, Taehyung tugged a little at Jungkook's t-shirt making Jungkook to look down at him. "How much longer, until we make it to Hage?"

"About 30 minutes. See, you can see the town from here." Jungkook said as he pointed ahead of them. Taehyung looked, and his eyes widen. The town looked so beautiful from here.

Taehyung looked up at Jungkook and gave him his boxy smile. Jungkook's heart skipped a beat. Taehyung's smile is just to cute. However, Taehyung was also getting tired, and both Jungkook and Jin notice this.

"Give Jimin to me, and climb onto Jungkook's back." Jin said as he walked up to Taehyung. Taehyung was about to oppose, but Jin already to Jimin off Taehyung's back and onto his back. Taehyung then walked over to Jungkook with res cheeks and climbed onto Jungkook's back.

"Go to sleep, Taehyung. I'll wake you up when we get to the library." Jungkook said with a soft tone. Taehyung nodded and buried his head into Jungkook's neck. And not long after that, Taehyung drifted off to sleep.


The pale man was sitting at a table. The library was closed today, simply because the man was to tired to deal with people. He was currently staring into space, wondering when he could go back to sleep. I mean, he could go to sleep right now, but he would get a scolding from his friend.

With an irritated look on his face, the man looked at the library door, which had abruptly opened. In walked two males, who were carrying two other males on their backs. The man with a glare, stood up and walked over to the two.

"Yo, we are closed." The man said as he crossed his arms. The to male's had to looked down a little. One of the males smirked, as the other stared at the man. "Why ya smirking kid?"

"Ouch, I'm hurt you don't remember me." Jungkook said with a fake pained look. Jin chuckled at the younger's sarcastic ways. The man didn't really look in the mood for Jungkook's sarcastic ways. Jin turned and looked at the man, with a wide smile.

"Long time no see, Yoongi."

The man, who's name is Yoongi, looked at the two for a long minute. He was confused at who these four males, more like two since the others are sleeping, were and how they knew him. But then something clicked into his mind and he stared at Jungkook.

"Little Kookie?" Yoongi said in a semi shocked voice. Jungkook blushed at the embarrassing nickname his hyungs had given him when he was little. "Wow, it looks like you grown up, physically. However, mentally, not so much."

"Hey!" Jungkook yelled, accidentally waking Taehyung up. Jungkook felt movement on his back. He started walking over to the table, only to be grabbed by the arm by Yoongi.

"Little Kookie, glad to see ya, but leave. We are closed." Yoongi said as Jungkook rolled his eyes, and continued to walk to the table. "Jungkook! Didn't you hear-"

"Yes, he heard you, everyone did. Now please, for the love of god, shut up." Jimin mumbled as he got off Jin's back and started walking to the table. Yoongi glared at Jimin, not likely how he talked to him. Jin was trying so hard not to laugh.

Jungkook sat Taehyung down on one if the chairs. He took off his jacket and placed it over Taehyung's shoulders, before he turned back towards Yoongi and Jin. Yoongi just stared at Jungkook with a weird expression, as Jin smiled.

"Hyung, you got some food?" Jungkook asked as he faced Taehyung and Jimin, who had fallen asleep once again. Out of the four of them (not counting Yoongi), Taehyung and Jimin were the ones more hungry. Letting out a sigh, Yoongi nodded.

"Yeah, it's by the check-out, over there." Yoongi said, running his fingers through his midnight black hair. Jungkook made his way to the back of the check-out. (Is that what it's called? I haven't been to a library in forever) "Anyways, why are you two here? And who the hell are those brats?"

"The one Jungkook was carrying is, the second prince of this kingdom, Taehyung. And the one who told you to shut up, is Taehyung's bodyguard and friend, Jimin." Jin said with a smile. Yoongi was about to ask why not only Jin, but Jungkook, was traveling with the crown prince? However, he chose not to ask.

Jungkook walked back, and threw a water bottle and a pack of gummy bears at Jin, who caught them. He them walked over to the two sleeping beauties. He placed a water bottle and a sandwich in front of the two. Yoongi looked annoyed that his little Kook, gave away his food.

"Wake up, you need to eat." Jungkook said in a loud but not to loud, voice. When the two seemed like they weren't waking up, Jungkook shook their shoulders. Jimin and Taehyung stired awake. They were about to complain and yell at Jungkook for waking them up, but shut up when they saw food. Jungkook opened a bag of chips, and lean against the table. "Anyways, where is Namjoon?"

"Don't know, and don't care." Yoongi said as he shrugged his shoulders. He sat down on one of the few couches in the library, crossing one leg over the other. "He left early this morning."

"How do you know that?"

"Cause we live together, unfortunately." Yoongi said as he rolled his eyes. Jimin and Taehyung looked at Yoongi, not knowing who he was.

"Hey, who's the old grandpa?" Jimin asked as he took a bit out of the sandwich. Yoongi's right eye twitch with irritation. Jin tried hard to not laugh, but failed.

"He's the ice dragon warrior, Min Yoongi."

I hate Mondays. I wish I didn't have school. Anywho, guess who order 4 volumes of Yona of the Dawn, me! However, I have to wait to get them, but that's alright. I also had a math test this morning. Who's idea was it to give me 1st period math? At least it's not PE, but still! Anyways, hope you enjoyed this chapter!


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