Chapter 28: Jungkook's Past Pt.1

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The next  couple of chapters will be flashbacks of Jungkook's past, and when he met Si-woo and so on. The chapters will have a lot of time skips, since this is mostly focusing on the important parts. Also, yes the other dragon warriors will have their own chapters focusing on their past later on in the story.

Jungkook's heavy breaths could be heard feets away from him. His body was hot as sweat dripped from his forehead, to his neck, and down his chest. His hair was wet from sweat.

"I think you should take a break, son." A male's voice said. Jungkook turned around to see the man who had raised him and taught him everything he knows. The man was tall, around 6'5. "You know, it's good to train hard, but don't over work yourself."

The man pushed his long red hair, which was in a ponytail, over his shoulder. His red eyes stared at Jungkook, with a look of worried. Jungkook looked tired and was a bit pale.

"Vio!" A woman yelled, waving her hand to get the man's attention. The man, Vio, waved back. He turned to looked at Jungkook, who was laying on the grass, trying to catch his breath.

"I'll be back soon. Some of the town's people asked me for some help." Vio said. Vio looked a Jungkook once more. "Get some rest Kookie, that's an order."

With that, Vio left Jungkook alone. Vio wasn't Jungkook's biological father, more like adopted one. Vio found Jungkook when he was still a baby. Vio took Jungkook in, and raised him as his own.

Vio, who was hesitant at first, taught Jungkook magic. Not any magic. A type of magic that could destroy a whole state in a matter of seconds. Fire Dragon Magic.

14 year old Jungkook, who was super tired from training, followed Vio's order and went to go rest. Jungkook walked through the woods to the house where he and Vio lived. Fire flowers glowed in the night sky, lighting the way to the house. However, Jungkook wasn't alone in the woods.

Hearing a snapping sound, Jungkook stopped. "Who's there?" Jungkook looked around him, now on guard. Jungkook's hands shook lightly, as a loud growl echoed around him. "W-Who's there!"

The growling only got louder, as Jungkook continued to walk closer to it. The louder it got, the more scared Jungkook was. However, Jungkook had to fund out what it was before it attacks the town's people. When Jungkook got to a small clearing, he saw what was making the noise.

There in the middle of the small clearing, tied up in rope, was a black wolf with beautiful white eyes. It's right eye was injured and bleeding, along with it's left leg. The wolf growled and glared at Jungkook, who stood frozen. The wolf's eyes had the look that could kill. Jungkook's lips trembled, and tears filled his eyes.

Stay away human, the wolf thought while watching the boy. The wolf expected to boy to scream and run away from him, leaving the wolf alone. Maybe even cry. But what the wolf didn't expect was for the boy to run towards the wolf. The wolf barked and growled, warning Jungkook to stay away. But Jungkook didn't run away.

Jungkook started crying as he pulled the rope. Jungkook was scared of the wolf. The wolf was much more taller than him, maybe the same height as Vio. However, Jungkook didn't want to leave the wolf trapped in rope. So, with tears falling down his face, Jungkook tugged and pulled on the rope, freeing the wolf.

The wolf jumped over Jungkook, even though it was injured. The wolf looked back at the crying boy, who was sitting against a tree, the rope now his legs. Jungkook stared at the wolf with puffy red eyes. The wolf sniffed the air before looking at Jungkook's hands, which were bleeding from tugging and pulling on the rope to free the wolf. The wolf's eyes soften and slowly leapt towards Jungkook. Jungkook closed his eyes, ready for the wolf to eat him, but instead he felt a wet tongue on his hand. Opening his eyes, Jungkook sees the wolf licking the blood on his hands. 

The wolf looked up at Jungkook and licked his face, licking his tears away. Jungkook, obviously taken aback by the wolf's action, stared wide eye at the wolf who was sitting in front of him. They sat in silence, as the wolf continued to lick Jungkook's hand to stop the bleeding. Jungkook just sat there staring at the wolf's beautiful white eyes. However, the silent was broken when they heard loud footsteps coming their way. The wolf turned around and growled at a man with a spear. 

"Found ya, you damn mutt!" The man said with a smirk. The wolf stood in front of Jungkook, growling at the man. Jungkook observed the man with curious eyes. The man had medium long hair which was tied up in a small pony tail, he had blue eyes and tan skin. The man had a long spear which was covered in blood, and a smirk on his lips, Jungkook concluded that this man had been the one to injured the wolf, and tied the wolf up in rope. Jungkook stood up slowly and walked to the side of the wolf. The man glared at Jungkook and yelled at him. "Get away from it kid! You're in the way!"

"Where are you from?" Jungkook asked in a semi quiet voice. The man and wolf both looked at Jungkook with questioning eyes. Jungkook spoke once more, but in a louder voice. "I asked where you're from sir. And don't you dare lie to me and say you're from Bronzegard because I've never seen you before."

"What's it to you, huh kid?" The man said in an irritated voice. Jungkook connected his fingers together and looked at the man with angry eyes.

"In Bronzegard we have a rule," Jungkook started as he walked in front of the wolf, who watched him carefully. "Never hunt wildlife. You have broken that said rule, so I recommend you leave now before the guards hear about what you've done to this wolf."

The man glared at Jungkook, who stood in front of him. The man's grip on his spear tighten, as his eyes burned with rage. An evil smirk appeared on the man's face and he thrust the spear at Jungkook, who manged to only get cut on his cheek. "Then I guess I'll just have to get rid of you and that ugly beast."

Jungkook was beyond angry at this point. The man had injured the wolf, and had now threaten him. Taking a deep breath, Jungkook collected his thoughts and emotions. Jungkook's eyes changed to a glowing red and fangs replaced two of his teeth. Jungkook glared at the man, who had dropped his spear at the sight of Jungkook's eyes.

"You will leave at once, or you will die by my hands." Jungkook said in a scary voice, which worked. The man went running, trying to get away from Jungkook. Jungkook took another deep breath, his eyes now back to their natural color. Jungkook turn towards the wolf who stood in shock. Jungkook gave it a bunny smile before saying, "Good thing I'm a good liar, huh."

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