Chapter 27: The Betrayal of a Familiar

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Make sure you read the chapter before this, since this is a triple update!

Also, read the author note at the end please!

Taehyung was faced to faced with the familiar, Si-woo. The male in front if him was extremely handsome. His extremely dark black hair, and beautiful white eyes. The scar over his right eye made him look even more attractive.

"If you see Si-woo, get away as fast as you can."

Yoongi's voice echoed in Taehyung's head, making Taehyung snap out of it. The man crossed his arms and examined Taehyung, which made Taehyung uncomfortable. The man let out a windy laugh, as his hair covered his eyes.

"He really chose royalty, huh." Si-woo said in a whisper voice. However, Taehyung heard what he said, and was confused.

"Whay do you mean?" Taehyung asked as he shifted from one leg to the other. He was super uncomfortable in this man's presence. Si-woo chuckled before looking at Taehyung once more.

"Nothing." Si-woo said as he walked closer to Taehyung. Si-woo stopped only two feet away from Taehyung, and lowered his head down to be face to face with Taehyung. "It's just, I'm confused really. How much did you pay Jungkook to sleep with you?"

Taehyung's eyes widen, shocked by what this man had just said. Did he really implied that he paid Jungkook to have sex with him? Taehyung would never do that ever, and hearing Si-woo say this offended him.

"I didn't pay him anything. Why would you say something like that." Taehyung said with a frown on his face. He was clearly upset by Si-woo, and Si-woo knew it.

"Why else would my Jungkook-ah hang round royalt." Si-woo said in a confident voice. Taehyung's stomach turned. Was Si-woo implying that Jungkook wouldn't hangout with him without Taehyung paying him? And what's with the 'my Jungkook-ah'? "Royalt never changes. You are all disgusting beings, who knows nothing about the world. You stuck ups only care about yourselves."

Taehyung eyes started to water. Why was Si-woo so rude? Taehyung knew that what Si-woo said was true about most royalt. However, Taehyung never thought that he was a stuck up. Taehyung tried the best he could to interact with the people of his kingdom, and help them. A couple of years slipped out of Taehyung's eyes.

"Tch, now you're crying because you know it's true." Si-woo said with a smirk. "Why don't you run back to your castle and stay away from my Jungkook-ah. He doesn't want a snot nosed brat like you around him-"


Si-woo froze in his place. His eyes widen and he felt a shiver run down his spine. He turned around only to come face to face with his master. The master he missed so much. However, his master didn't miss him. Next to his master, was his master's hyungs and a small boy with blue hair.

"Jungkook-ah, I missed-" Before Si-woo could say another word, Jungkook punched him in the faced. This made everyone's eyes widen, well except Yoongi. Jungkook's eyes were glowing red as he repeatedly punched Si-woo.

"Jungkook stop." Jin told Jungkook, but Jungkook didn't listen. The dark clouds appeared in the sky, which told how angry Jungkook was. Jungkook continued to beat Si-woo up. "Jungkook!"

Jungkook's ears were ringing. He couldn't hear anything nor anyone. He was so fucking angry. Seeing Si-woo again brought back so many memories that he wanted to forget. He continued beating the shit out of Si-woo, until he felt someone hugging him. This snapped Jungkook out of it.

"Jungkook please, stop." Taehyung said in a calm voice. Jungkook was breathing heavily, as Taehyung pulled Jungkook off of Si-woo, and helped him stand up. Jungkook watched as Jin ran over to help Si-woo who was seriously injured. Jungkook then looked at everyone around him. They looked at him in shock and horror.

"Let me go." Jungkook said in a low voice. Taehyung shook his head, basically saying no. Jungkook clenched hos jaw. "LET GO TAEHYUNG!"

Taehyung still didn't let go of Jungkook. Jungkook's eyes, still glowing red, looked Taehyung dead in the eyes. Taehyung started to shake in fear. There in Jungkook's eyes, was nothing but pure anger and rage.

Jungkook pushed Taehyung away from him hard, making Taehyung fall. Jungkook then ran into the cabin and up to the room he was sleeping at. Jimin ran over to Taehyung and helped him up.

"The fuck is his problem!" Jimin said in an angry voice. He felt his best friend shaking from fear. He couldn't blame him, he also felt scared of Jungkook. "Why the fuck would he do this?"

"Because he deserved it." Yoongi said in a monotone voice as he stared at Si-woo's unconscious body. Everyone looked at Yoongi in disbelief. Did they hear him right?

"No he doesn't, Yoongi!" Jin yelled, his voice full of anger. When Jin was about to continue to tell at Yoongi, he felt the temepure drop. The dragon warriors looked at Yoongi to see his eyes glow an Ice blue. "Yoongi, what did Si-woo do to deserve this?"

"For you to understand, I'll have to tell you everything."

"The explain to us! What did Si-woo do to nearly be killed by Jungkook?" Namjoon said as everyone come closer to Yoongi. Yoongi took a deep breath, mentally saying sorry to Jungkook.

"Si-woo and Jungkook were once a couple. I had cought them making out, which is the only reason I found out about them. Jungkook didn't want you guys to know about them, knowing you would judge him for following in love with his familiar. So he asked me to keep it a secret from you guys." Yoongi started.

Taehyung felt his heart stop. Si-woo and Jungkook were lovers?! The others were equally as shocked as Taehyung. A master and familiar dating was frown upon, so was being gay.

"After we escaped from the castle, I spoke with Jungkook to ask him if Si-woo was really dead. Jungkook's eyes glowed the darkest red ever, and tears fell from his eyes. He had told me that Si-woo was part of his town's massacre, and exposed all of our locations to the King." Yoongi said with an angry voice. "I could see the pain and anger in his facial expression. He also asked me to keep this a secret, simply because he wanted to move on from Si-woo and start over."

"Si-woo..." Jin started in complete shock. He couldn't even finished his sentence as anger washed over him and the other dragon warriors.


Ha...ha...ha, so um...Look! I finally publish after a whole month! Haha... I'm sorry everyone, it's just I was not in the right mindset to upload chapters. I deeply am truly sorry. To make it up to you, I uploaded three chapters that I hoped you enjoyed reading. This story WILL be continued and finished. I'm once again truly sorry.


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