Chapter 5: The Legend

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It was the next day. Taehyung, Jimin, and Daewon had just eaten lunch. They are currently sitting down outside. Daewon had told them that he had to tell them something.

"So, what is it?" Jimin said as he leaned on a tree. Daewon rolled his eyes at him. Taehyung was sitting in between them, also wanting to know what Daewon had to say.

"Fine, I'll start." Daewon said with the roll of his eyes. "Long ago, there lived five dragon warriors. These dragon warriors where raised by dragons with different elements. The first king of the Heart Kingdom, wanted their powers and went to great lengths to do so."

Jimin sat forward, listening to Daewon closely. No one has spoken about the first king in ages, for good reason though. The first king was pure evil, and wanted nothing more then power.

"The first king went to the five dragon warriors clans, and slaughter their people and the dragons that raised them. When the five dragons come back to their clans, they were knocked out and taken to the castle."

"Wait, if they were raised by dragons, doesn't that mean that the dragons tought them magic? And if so, couldn't the have warriors prevented being taken?" Jimin asked. Taehyung nodded, agreeing with Jimin.

"Yes, however the King's men had a spacial device created to prevent the warriors from using their magic." Daewon explained.

"Hm, ok. Go on."

"Anyways, when the warriors woken up, they were in pure rage. The King would come visit them, asking them to lend him their powers. The warriors of course refused, which caused the King to torture them." Daewon continued. Taehyung and Jimin were both shocked by this.

"How could he just torture them." Taehyung said as he covered his mouth with his hand in disgust. He knew about the first king, since he was royalty. However, Jimin knew nothing about this, and neither did Taehyung. Simply because it was hidden from the public eye.

"The warriors was held captive for over eight months. When the ninth month come around, they had enough. The lighting dragon warrior had came up with a plan eight months ago. Each day, when the guards switched posts, there was a five minute gap. Within those five minutes, the fire dragon warrior would pull on his chain until the guards would come in. After nine months, the chain broke and the fire dragon warrior's power come back to him. He broke his other chain and then the others chains."

"They had escaped the castle and the capitol. When they were safe, the earth dragon warrior said to the others this. 'Even though we are going our separate ways, we can still feel each other in our hearts. So if one of you are in trouble, we will know. Stay safe everyone. Goodbye, for now.' With that the dragon warriors went their separate ways and never saw each other again." Daewon finished.

Taehyung was happy they had escaped, however he felt guilty. Even though it wasn't him who had kidnapped the warriors and torture them for eight months, he still feels guilty. The first king was his ancestor.

Jimin was also happy the warriors escaped. However, he didn't know why Daewon wanted to tell them this.

"Daewon hyung, can I ask you a question." Jimin said as he crossed his arms. Daewon nodded his head and Jimin continued. "Why did you tell us this story?"

"You came to me because you didn't know what to do." Daewon said as he connected his hands together. He turn and looked at Taehyung in the eye. "Taehyung, you must find the five dragon warriors or else the world we know it, will be destroy by your brother."

"The dragon warriors are real? And are still alive?" Taehyung asked.


"How?" Jimin asked shocked.

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