Chapter 14: Jin's Power

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"Jungkook!!!" Taehyung yelled as Jungkook closed his eyes. Taehyung shook his shoulders until he slowly opened his eyes again. One of the town's people pulled Taehyung off of Jungkook and pinned him down to the ground. Taehyung whimpered as one of the people who were pinning him down, pulled hard on his arm.

Jungkook looked at Taehyung being pinned. He slowly tried to get up, so he could push the people off Taehyung. But he lost a lot of blood, making his body weak. The woman who tried to kill Taehyung started walking to Taehyung, as another woman (who had a gun) walked over to Jungkook.

Jin was frozen, he couldn't move. Jimin continued to push the people out of the way. Jin's eyes were red from crying. Jin's eyes widen as the women point their guns at Jungkook and Taehyung. Jin couldn't let this happen. Jin took a deep breath as he closed his eyes.

A strong gush of wind pass through the woods and the crowd of people. Jimin stopped pushing through the crowd when he felt a growing amount of mana coming from behind him. He turned around and saw a very lime green color surround Jin. Jin's hair sway from the strong wind.

Jimin saw little roots slowly made there way to Jungkook. Jimin watched the little roots. The roots surrounded the bullet wound, little leaves sprouting from the little roots and covering the wound.

The two woman pointed their guns at Taehyung and Jungkook once more. However, before they could even think about pulling the trigger, roots slapped the guns out of their hands. The town's people stood shock, they couldn't understand what happened. Jin opened his eyes, only for his eyes to be a glowing green. He was frowning with anger clearly on his face. With a low voice, Jin spoke.

"Leave at once, before you make me even more angry." Jin with a deadly look in his eyes, which cause Jimin and the town's people to shiver. However, the town's people didn't leave.

"We're not leaving until that monster is dead!" One of the males yelled which caused everyone to yell a 'yeah'. Two roots appeared on both sides of Jin. However, these roots had sharp thorns on them.

"You injured one of my own," Jin started as the thorn cover root started to grow taller and taller. "You pointed a gun at my friend, and had prevented Jimin to protect Taehyung. So I'll tell you once again." By this point, the thorn root was as tall as Jin, maybe a little taller. Black roses had grown on them as well. The sky was covered in grey clouds, seeming to feel the dragon warrior's rage. "Leave. Now."

Being terrified, the town's people ran away. Once they were out of sight, both Jimin and Jin ran over to Jungkook and Taehyung. Taehyung's back was bleeding from being harshly hit by a whip. Taehyung sat up and ran to Jungkook. Jungkook's face was pale and his breathing was shallow. Jin saw the guns that the women had and examine the gun and bullets. Jin's eyes widen as he saw the mark on the gun. Jin dropped the gun and stood back, with a terrified look on his face.

"What is it?" Jimin asked, noticing Jin's reaction. Jimin was more concerned with Jungkook, who was still lay there bleeding. Like, does no one realize this man is going to die!

"This mark on the gun and bullets," Jin started before he tensed up and ran to Jungkook. He ripped the boy's shirt, wanting to look at the wound. The little roots and leaves moved down so Jin could see.

"What is it? Is Jungkook going to be ok?" Taehyung asked, concern written on his face. Jin just nodded his head.

"He'll be fine." Jin said, as he stood up. He could tell that Taehyung was still concerned about Jungkook. "There's no need to worry. As the earth dragon warrior, my magical power focuses on healing. He should wake up in a few minutes."

One of the roots grew up to Jin's hand, and place the bullet that was previously in Jungkook, in Jin's hand. The root shrunken down and disappeared in the ground.

A few minutes later, Jungkook slowly sat up, still in pain. He looked at his bullet wound, to see it healed. He looked up at Jin, and gave him a nod of gratitude. Taehyung launched himself at Jungkook, embracing the younger in a hug. He didn't hug back, a little startled.

"Thank god you're alright." Taehyung said in a whisper. Jungkook, finally snapping back to reality, slowly raised his arms and wrap they around Taehyung. "Don't do that ever again. You had me worried."

"He best not do that again!" Jin said with a frown. He let out a sigh and rubbed his forehead. "My magic can heal quite a lot of wounds, small or large. However, the bullet you were hit with was no ordinary bullet."

Taehyung unlatched himself from Jungkook, and looked at Jin. Jimin and Jungkook also looked at Jin. All three of them had a confused expression on their faces. Jin let out a sigh before speaking. Jin wasn't sure how Jungkook will react.

"On the bullets and gun, there was a mark." Jin said, stopping. He honestly was scared to say it. Not because of Jungkook's reaction, but because he himself didn't want to believe it.

If he is right about this, then this is a big problem. However, there's no possible way for this to be true. But if there was a slight chance that this is true, the hell will break loose. And Jin didn't know if he would be ready for the hell this will cause.

Jungkook was observing his hyung. He could tell that whatever it was that his hyung found, shook him. However, it couldn't be that bad right? Taehyung and Jimin looked at each other. Jimin thought back to when Taehyung first introduced himself. The same facial expression Jin had back then, he wearing it once again. Jimin's eyes widen when the dots clicked in his mind.

Jin took a deep breath before he spoke. "The mark is the same mark as the branding iron scar Jungkook has on his chest."

Damn, it's way to early for school. I wanna go back to sleep. Anyways, I hope you guys have a great morning and day. The only thing I'm excited for today is getting the third volume of Yona of the Dawn and volume 2 of Banana Fish that are arriving today. Volume 3 of Banana Fish should be arriving later this week. Anyways I'll see you guys later, bye bye!


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