Chapter 7: Jin's decision

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"What do you want from me?" Jin asked as he turned around, the kind and caring look gone from his face. Taehyung was a little shocked but he expected this reaction. "Are you going to repeat what happened 5,000 years ago?"

"Calm down." Jimin said. He didn't like how Jin was glaring at Taehyung. "Let him finish speaking."

"Jin hyung, I'm not here to hurt you or anyone else." Taehyung said as he looked at the ground. "I have come to apologize on the behalf of my ancestor. And I also came to ask for your help."

"My help?"Jin said as he tilted his head. He had started to calm down, very slowly though. He could somehow feel that Taehyung was no threat, nor was Jimin. "Why do you need my help?"

"A few days ago, King Jae and Queen BonHwa were murdered." Taehyung's heart ached at saying that. "They were killed by my brother, Jihun. Now Jihun has control over the Hearts kingdom, and he wants to start a war. I need the dragon warriors power to defeat him."

Jin just stood thare, bewildered. Did he just hear that right? The King and Queen died by the first prince? He looked Taehyung in the eyes, and could tell that what he had just said was true.

"You can take your time to make a decision. We will be leaving in three days, so there's no need to hurry." Taehyung said with a kind and gentle smile. He stood up and walked towards the door. "When you have an answer, come to the Fairy Hotel."

When Taehyung and Jimin left, Jin sat down. He let out a long sigh as he rubbed his forehead. This was unexpected and random. However, for some strange reason, Jin wanted to help them. Please he would get to see the other dragon warriors. Especially Namjoon, the lighting dragon warrior.

At that thought, Jin blushed. He shook his head and stood back up. He needed to lay down before he gets wrinkles.


It was two days after Taehyung's and Jin's talk. Jin still hasn't made a decision. It was hard for him, especially after what had happened 5,000 years ago. Jin still had nightmares about the eight months he and the other dragon warriors were held captive.

It's been 5,000 years since he last saw them. 5,000 years since the day they escaped and went their separate ways. Jin was curious about the others. What have they been up too? Were they alright?

Not being in touch with the others for so long, it affected Jin. He remembered he and the others would have a meeting once every week, to check on one anither. But after what happened, the effect it left on all of them is shown. Each of the dragon warriors are scared to leave their clans, afraid to come back to dead bodies.

Jin took a deep breath. He needed to make a decision soon. The pros about agreeing to help Taehyung out number the cons. However, Jin was still scared. Jin was snapped back into reality when he heard voices.

"Did you hear what happened to the royal family?" A female voice said. She looked at the male next to her who shook his head. "The king and queen were murdered by the second prince and his bodyguard!"

"Really? But Prince Taehyung seemed like such a good kid." The man said bewildered. "I guess you never know someone."

Jin bit back what he wanted to say. It's true that Jin hadn't met Taehyung that long ago. However, in those few minutes he spoke with him, he could tell he was a good kid. Jin let out a sigh and headed to the Fairy Hotel. He had made his decision.


Taehyung sat on the bed of his and Jimin's hotel room. There was only one day before Jin gave him his decision. Taehyung really hoped Jin would come with them. It was all he could think about.

Jimin faced his best friend who had let out another sigh for the tenth time. He could tell Taehyung had a lot on his mind. Jimin was about to say something when there was a knock on the door. Jimin stood up and grabbed his gun. He slowly walked to the door and carefully opened it, as well as point the gun at the person.

"What a way to welcome someone." Jin said as he rolled his eyes. Jimin just let out a sigh before putting his gun away and pushing Jin inside the room. "Rude!"

"Jin hyung, why are you here? You still have a whole day to decide." Taehyung said as he stood up. Jin glared at Jimin before looking at Taehyung. Jin gave him a kind smile before speaking.

"I have decided to come along with you two." Jin said as he put his hands on his hips. "I'll help you find the others. It's been over 5,000 years since I last seem them."

Taehyung couldn't help but smile widely. He ran up to Jin and gave him a big hug. He was happy that Jin agreed to help them. Jimin had a small smile on his face. He was happy to see Taehyung smile again. And he hoped Taehyung would keep smiling.

Hey guys, sorry this chapter is short! I just started my freshman year today. But the next chapter will be longer. Also, I don't know when the next chapter will be out. I will try to get it out in a few days, but things are going to be a bit hard since I have class online. To be honest, I just finished this chapter in one of my class, but shh. Anyways, see you next chapter!


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