Chapter 2: Broken Bonds

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Five days has past and it is already the day of Taehyung's 24th birthday. He was currently getting ready two hours before the party. He put on a deep red dress shirt, with black dress pants. He rolled up the dress shirt's sleeves and put on his watch. 

He looked at himself in the mirror. He touched the front of his curly silver hair before frowning. He didn't like his hair. It was a weird color. At first sight, most people think he dyed it. But no, he was born with silver hair. Which was weird since both of his parents had dark brown hair.

"Um, Tae what are you doing?" Jimin said as he looked at his best friend. Taehyung was to busy looking at his hair, that he didn't realize Jimin entered his room.

"Nothing. Oh wow Chim, you look so pretty." Taehyung said as he looked at Jimin. Jimin was wearing dark grey  dress shirt, and black dress pants. Jimin's dyed dark blue hair was styled beautifully and his makeup was done well.

"Um, thank you? You look beautiful as well, Tae." Jimin gave Taehyung a big smile. "Oh yeah, I came to tell you that  your father, BonHwa, and Jihun wants to speak to you."

"What? About what?" Taehyung asked as he and Jimin both started walking to King Jae's office. Jimin shrugged, telling Taehyung he didn't know. She  he arrived at his father's office, he knocked on the door.

"Come in." He heard is father say. Taehyung opened the door and both boys entered the tense room. Jimin shut the door behind them and stood in the corner. Taehyung bit his lip, not liking the tense atmosphere.

"You wanted to see me?" Taehyung said as he sat in the chair in front of his family. Jimin didn't like that Jihun was smirking. He know Jihun did something, he just knew it.

"Oh wow Taehyung, you look very handsome!" BonHwa said in a cheerful voice, trying to lighten the mood.

"Thank you, BonHwa. You look beautiful as well." Taehyung said, giving her a kind smile. However, before BonHwa could say anything else, King Jae spoke up.

"Are you gay?"

This question shocked both Taehyung and Jimin. However, they both made sure not to let it show on there face.

"No." Taehyung said in a calm voice. But deep down his heart was beating out of his chest. Why would they ask a question like that? King Jae let out a frustrated sigh as he looked at his son.

"Taehyung!" King Jae yelled, causing Taehyung to jump. His father never raised his voiced at him. Not even once. Jimin, was too, shocked the King raised his voiced. "Tell me right now. Are you gay?"


"Yes he is." Jihun cut Taehyung off. He smirked at Taehyung before looking at the King. "Last night I heard him and the servant over there talking about it. I even recorded it."

Jihun pulled out his phone and opened it. He went to his camera and pressed play on the first video. Two voice could be heaed. One being Jimin's, the other Taehyung's.

King Jae, and BonHwa listened to the video. Taehyung started shaking in fear, as Jimin stood still to shocked to move. After the video finished, it was obvious that the King was pissed.

"Taehyung, I'm going to ask you one more time. Are. You. Gay?" The King said in a angry tone. Taehyung didn't answer right away. He was to deep in his thoughts that he didn't hear his father. "Taehyung!"

Taehyung looked up at his father with wide eyes and a pale face. His father asked the question once more and waited for Taehyung's reply.

"Y-Yes. But I-"

"God damnit!" The King yelled as he slammed his hand on his desk. Taehyung jumped out of his seat. "Why Taehyung? Why did you do this to me? To your mother?!"

"I-I didn't mean to. I can't help it if I l-like guys, father." Taehyung said as tears started to fall down his face. He looked down at the ground and gripped his pants, to make his hands stop shaking. "M-Mom wouldn't care. S-She told me to always be myself, and t-to love who I am."

"She never said that!" The King yelled. "Being gay is a sin! A sin, Taehyung!"

"No it's not!" Taehyung yelled back. He looked at BonHwa for help, but she just looked away. "It's not a sin, father."

"Yes it is Taehyung!" The King yelled once more. He let out an angry sigh before speaking in a calm voice. "If you are gay, then you are no longer any son of mine."

The room fell silent. Nobody could believe what he had said. Taehyung could feel his heart break as more and more tears fall down his face. Taehyung could barely stand, he was too heart broken.

The silence continued for a good minute before any spoke up. BonHwa could see that Taehyung was broken. She was also hurt by the fact that her husband just said that.

"Honey, you shouldn't have-"

"Fine. If you are going to be that way, then you are no longer my father." Taehyung said as he turned his back to his father, who was shocked. "Don't talk to me again, father. Because as of this moment, our father and son bond no longer exists."

And with that Taehyung left the office. Jimin stood there still in shocked about what was happened. After a few minutes passed by, he started walking over the the door.

"If I could speak freely, sir?" Jimin asked.

"Go ahead, Jimin."

"That was a dick move." Jimin said before leaving the room and chasing after his best friend. It took him a few minutes to find Taehyung. He was sitting underneath a tree in his zen garden. Jimin walked over and sat down next to his sobbing best friend. "Hey..."

"Chim, did you mean it when you said we could run away, and that you'll always be by my side?" Taehyung said as he cried. Jimin's heart broke, seeing his best friend crying. Taking a deep breath, Jimin pulled Taehyung into his chest and ran his hand through his silver hair.

"Of course I meant it." Jimin said as Taehyung started to calm down a bit. "No matter what, even if the world in against you, I'll always be by your side."

Being to tired from crying, Taehyung fell asleep on Jimin's chest. Jimin smiled, happy that Taehyung stopped crying.

"I swear on my life, Tae. That I'll always be by your side. And no matter what anyone says, you can always trust me. Even if the world is ending, I'll protect you and be by your side. Because that is what your mom wanted me to do." Jimin said, as he gentle picked Taehyung up and started walking to Taehyung's room.


An hour had past since Taehyung and his father fought. Taehyung was still broken from his father's words, however he wouldn't let that ruin his birthday. He'll just have to talk to his father after the party.

Taehyung was fixing up his makeup and hair. When Taehyung woke up, Jimin was sitting on the couch next to the bed, asleep. Jimin had carried him to his room and placed him on his bed.

He woke Jimin up after a little while. Jimin had asked how he was doing and checking up on him. But after a while, Jimin left. Leaving Taehyung alone with his thoughts.

'No, stop thinking like that Taehyung. Everything will work out.' Taehyung thought to himself. He wanted today to be perfect. So for now, he just needs to put a smile on his face until the party ends.

In all honesty, I don't have a publishing schedule. So, whenever I finish writing a chapter, I will publish it when I have time. Also, writing this chapter broke my heart. If any of you guys are going through this stuff, you can always talk to me. Although, I do not know what if feels like to not have accepting parents, I will listen to you and be there for you! Anyways, until next time. Bye!


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