Chapter 36: Final

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Everyone looked at Si-woo with shocked, mostly the dragon warriors. No one knew that Si-woo had a sister, simply because he never talked about his family or where he came from. No one even knew why Si-woo was found by Jungkook in the first place. Si-woo was young and shouldn't have left his home.

"What do you mean by that?" Taehyung asked with wide eyes. He was shocked by what Si-woo had said, but for a different reason. Did his ancestor really do such a thing? Si-woo glared at Taehyung and frowned.

"It's like I fucking said, he was going to kill my sister." Si-woo said in a harsh tone. Taehyung looked at the ground in shock. "The king wanted someone close to the dragon warriors and had hunted down my family, killing them except my sister. I had no choice but to help that ugly bitch, since my sister's life was on the line."

"You could've asked us for help Si-woo..." Jin said in a sad voice. Jin felt bad for Si-woo, not believing the king would do that. "If you had told Jungkook, he would've dropped everything to help you."

Si-woo started laughing, causing everyone to look at him. "Tell Jungkook, you say? I knew if I had told him, he would drop everything to help me. But he would only get himself killed. And to be honest, I rather him be torture and hate me forever, then for his lifeless body laying before me."

Everyone stayed silent. Only the sound of the wind could be heard. Si-woo let out a sigh, running his hand through his hair.

"You guys wouldn't have helped me anyways, even if Jungkook asked. All of you were to busy arguing about the dragon dying, that you would've just ignored us." Si-woo said. The dragon warriors said nothing. Si-woo was right, they wouldn't have helped because of their dragons. "I love Jungkook, and trust me I feel extremely bad for what I did to you all. But I don't regret what I had done. I couldn't let Jungkook die. Now, please leave me be. I wish to be depressed by myself."

Si-woo laid down on the ground, his back turned to everyone. Hesitantly, they all walked away leaving Si-woo to his thoughts. Si-woo gripped his chest, as tears ran down his face.

"I'm so sorry Jungkook. I saved you from dying but put you through hell, and it was all for nothing." Si-woo said as more tears left his eyes. "I had missed you so much, but we will soon be part once more. The clock is ticking down, and soon I will once again be the cause of your heartache. Why must you have fallen for my target..."


Taehyung walked up to the room, wanting to check up on Jungkook. He opened the door to see Jungkook sitting on the bed, reading. Taehyung smiled, watching Jungkook's concentrated face.

Feeling someone's eyes on him, Jungkook looked up with a frown. However, his frown disappeared when he saw Taehyung. Jungkook closed his book and looked at Taehyung, waiting for the male to say something.

"I talked to Si-woo..." Taehyung said in a quite voice. Jungkook frown but didn't say anything. "He told us why he betrayed you. My ancestor threaten his sister." Jungkook still didn't say anything. "I know what I'm about to say will seem naive and I know you'll refuse, but I wish for you to make up with Si-woo."

"The fuck-"

"Hear me out!" Taehyung said, seeing Jungkook's expression turn to anger. Taehyung took a deep breath, sitting down next to Jungkook. "I understand that you hate him for killing the dragons and putting you through hell, but he had no choice but too. It was either he help the king and his sister and you dragon warriors live, or don't help the king and you all die. All I ask is for you to at least not fight with him while he's here."

"Fine." Jungkook said, letting out a sigh. Taehyung looked shocked by what Jungkook had said. "I'll try not to rip his head off. So for now, I'll listen to you."

Taehyung gave Jungkook a warm and bright boxy smile. Jungkook's eyes soft, and his heart warmed. Taehyung was extremely cute when he was happy. Jungkook couldn't even image him not falling in love with this beautiful boy.

Jungkook couldn't take it anymore. His heart was beating extremely fast. Jungkook moved his head and gentle connected their lips. Taehyung's eyes widen when he felt Jungkook's soft lips on his. Taehyung closed his eyes and kissed back.

They need even know how much they both craved for each others kiss. Their hearts were beating out of their chest, as he continued to kiss each other. Jungkook's heart, that was broken from Si-woo, was finally healing. And the person who was healing his broken heart, was none other then Taehyung, the prince of th Heart Kingdom.

They broke apart for air, both with flushed cheeks. Taehyung wore a happy smile on his face, with his rosy cheeks. Jungkook's eyes were soft, and he had a small smile on his face. They didn't speak for a good minute, not wanting to ruin the moment.

However, that said moment was ruin when Jin burst open the door. They both looked at Jin, who looked at both of their faces. Noticing Taehyung's extremely rosy cheeks, and how Jungkook was glaring at him, Jin figured out that they were having a moment. However, he didn't care.

"We all need to talk." Jin said with a smile. He grabbed both of there arms, and walked them down into the living room. They all sat down and waiting for someone to speak. "Si-woo told us something extremely important a couple of minutes ago."

"He knows when your brother will start his plan of starting war, Taehyung." Namjoon said in a serious voice. Everyone waited for Namjoon to continue. "Your brother will start the war in four months. During those four months, we will prepare to take Jihun down. Whether he is killed or kept alive is up to you."

Taehyung's heart stopped. Namjoon's words echoed in his ears. It was up to Taehyung if Jihun lived or died? Taehyung didn't know what to do. Sensing Taehyung's nerves, Namjoon spoke again.

"Don't overthink it to much, you have four months to make a decision." Namjoon said and gave Taehyung a smile, which calmed Taehyung. "Until then, we will prepare. So, let's stop this war!"

Everyone cheered with smiles. Taehyung couldn't believe what he had accomplished. He found the ancient dragon warriors, and became friends with them. Not only that, but he even shared a kiss with one of them. When Taehyung was driven away from his home, he thought he wouldn't make it. Yet here he is, surrounded by people he cares about. And soon, they will be stopping a war that is a threat to his people.

Taehyung will stop Jihun, even if he has to kill him. Because what this Kingdom people need, is to know that the Royals are on their side, along with feeling safe. Taehyung hopes that no one will get hurt during the war.

However, that was a foolish thought. War is war. And in war, people will get hurt and some will even die.

All good things must come to an end. And sadly, we have reached that point. Dragon Descendents has finally come to an end. Well, this book of Dragon Descendents.

If you wish to continue this story, check out book 2 of Dragon Descendents, Empires is out now!!

Thank you all for reading and I'll see you in the next story, bye!


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