Chapter 32: Explain Or Die

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This is a double update! Make sure you read the chapter before this!


Jungkook and Yoongi still sat on the ground, however Namjoon, Jin, and Hoseok had joined them. They were discussing what they wanted to do with Si-woo. Jungkook didn't say anything during this talk. He wanted no part in it. Why would he want to hear the reason for why his love betrayed him, Vio, and the town's people? Nothing Si-woo will change the fact that he murdered all those people. 

Jungkook held his hands tight, not wanting his anger and rage to slip out. Just the topic of Si-woo cause him so much pain, and anger. However, his anger subsided when he heard little movement behind him. Jungkook turned around a little, and saw Taehyung slowly open his eyes. When Taehyung realized Jungkook was right in front of him, he gave him a smile that caused Jungkook's heart to melt.

Jungkook was about to say something when he heard a thud and two people groan. Jungkook turned back around and saw Jimin on top of Yoongi, holding his head. Jin started laughing, while Hoseok chuckled and Namjoon shook his head with a smile. Jungkook came to the conclusion that Jimin had fallen off the couch and on Yoongi. Jimin looked down and realized who he was sitting on, and quickly gotten off with rosy cheeks. 

"Sorry.." Jimin mumbled as he gentle tugged on the front of his hair, trying to cover his face with his hair knowing it wasn't long enough. Yoongi placed a hand on top of Jimin's head and patted it before looking at the others.

"I hope you two are feeling better." Jin said in a worried voice. He was extremely guilty about what had happened earlier. Taehyung and Jimin just gave them a smile. They were both still tired and barely had enough energy to keep their eyes open. "We are extremely sorry that you had to undergo our anger. Please tell me if you hurt anywhere, and I will use my magic to make the pain go away." 

"We're fine, just extremely exhausted." Taehyung said with tired eyes. Jimin tired to nod, however his head went forward and landed on Yoongi's shoulder. Taehyung soon started to fight off his sleep. Even though they had just woken up, both of Jimin's and Taehyung's body were still extremely tired. After 10 long minutes, Taehyung and Jimin both fell back into a deep slumber. 

"They're so cute!" Jin said with a big grin. Everyone nodded in agreement. Jin's grin soon disappeared as he crossed his arms. He looked at Jungkook with a serious face, making Jungkook know to listen to him. "We need to talk to Si-woo."

Jungkook frown and his brown chocolate eyes raged a fire. Just the mention of Si-woo's name made Jungkook angry.

When Jin was sure Jungkook wouldn't reply, he continued. "I know you don't when to see him, but we think he would tell you more than us. So, we decided that you should talk to him." Jungkook looked at Jin like he was crazy. Yoongi also didn't like this idea, he knew Jungkook hated Si-woo. Yoongi wouldn't be surprised if Jungkook killed Si-woo before getting answers. "Don't look at me like that Jungkook. It's the only way he will talk-"

"You are absolutely insane. All of you." Jungkook said in a quiet yet harsh voice. He didn't want to wake Taehyuny or Jimin up because they needed rest. Jungkook stood up and looked at his hyungs. "You all agreed that I should be the one to talk to that bastard, without asking me how I feel about it. That bastard murdered my home town, he fucking killed Vio! And you actually think I should be the one to talk to him." Jungkook let out a snort before backing away from them. "I won't do it."

And with that, Jungkook left and headed upstairs. Hoseok looked away, feeling guilty for being the one who suggested the idea. Jin had sad eyes, because he knew that Jungkook was hurting. However, they needed answers and Jungkook was the only one to get them. Namjoon let out a sigh and pinched the bridge of his nose. Yoongi stood up and looked down at the others.

"I can't believe you guys would suggest something like that, knowing full-well what had happened between them." Yoongi said with a frown. Yoongi walked away from the group and headed outside. Yoongi knew they needed answers, but he also knew Jungkook wouldn't speak to Si-woo.Yoongi walked over to the thorn made cage, and looked down at the man laying in it. Si-woo was was watching the sky with a blank face. When he felt Yoongi's presence, he smirked.

"It's nice to see you again, Yoongi." 

"Shut that disgusting mouth of yours."

"Oh, but don't you want to know why I betrayed Jungkook-ah?" Si-woo said with a smirk as he looked at Yoongi. Yoongi glared at Si-woo, his eyes turning an icy blue. Si-woo's smirk vanished as quickly as it came. The temperature dropped and and air was freezing cold.

"Why did you betray Jungkook? Why did you kill Vio and the other dragons? And why the hell would you help the King?" Yoongi was glaring with his icy blue eyes. The air was cold, causing Si-woo to shiver. Yoongi was unfazed by the cold, growing up in an extremely cold place. Si-woo smirked while shaking.

"D-Do you r-really think that I-I'll t-tell you anything?" Si-woo said through chattering teeth. He wore a smirk on his face, thinking he gotten through to Yoongi. However, Yoongi started laughing, which caused Si-woo's smirk to fall. Yoongi laughed for a minute straight before wiping a fake tear away.

"It's funny to think you are actually important to us." Yoongi said before his aura turned dark. Yoongi's icy blue eyes turned even more cold, and the temperature dropped even more. Yoongi wore a deep frown as he crossed his arms once more. "You will explain to me why you betrayed Jungkook, the one who loved you with all his heart. Along with why you killed our dragons and why you sided with the King. If not then, I'll just freeze you to death and send your soul to hell."

By the end of Yoongi's sentence, he wore a smile. Si-woo's eyes widen, scared of Yoongi who was smiling down at him. Si-woo stopped and thought about what Yoongi had said to him. It was either he tell Yoongi and the rest of the dragon warriors why he betrayed them, or he would be killed. Si-woo knew what he had to choose.

"Then kill me."

Guys! There's this boy in my class that loves to tell jokes. But today he told pickup lines. Our teacher was messing with him, and told him to use them on the girl he likes. Instead he picked random girls and said pickup lines to them. I was one of them. That was the first time someone ever used/said a pickup line to me in my 15 years of being on this earth. Anyways, I hope you all are having a good day. Stay safe, and I'll see you next time!


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