Chapter 10: 5,000 years ago Pt. 1

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Before you begin, this chapter will take place 5,000 years in the past. On with the chapter.


Jungkook's heart sunk at the sight before him. He saw the dead bodies of those he cared for and promised to protected. Tears filled his eyes as he looked at the faces of the dead bodies. However, he stopped at one in particular. It was his best friend who he had for years.

Jungkook walked over to his best friend's body. His knees weaken as he fell next to the body. Jungkook grabbed his hair as he scream the pain and sadness he felt at that moment. The fire flowers near them started to brighten and their fire became more fierce, feeling the fire dragon warrior's pain and anger.

"Look at you, Jeon." A voice said. Jungkook knew who this voice belonged to, and he didn't want to talk with him. However, before Jungkook could turn around and face him, he wa grabbed and pushed in the muddy ground. He was handcuffed and had tried to break them with his dragon strength, but couldn't. "You look so pathetic. This wouldn't have happened if you lend me your powers."

Jungkook didn't say anything as his eyes widen. He knew the first King was evil, but he didn't expect him to kill a whole town of people. He sat there in the muddy ground, with wide eyes. He started to hyperventilate as his vision started to get hazy.

"This is...because of me...." Jungkook said in a low brittle voice. His body started shaking, as he blamed himself for what had happened to these families. As he continued blaming himself, one of the King's men held a sword. The man approached Jungkook from behind. He raised his sword and hit Jungkook in the head, with the butt of the sword, knocking him out.


The dead faces of his clans people, worked Jungkook up. He jumped up unexpectedly, scaring the four other people beside him. He looked frantic, and was pale. When he looked around the dirty room, he notice four familiar faces, who were looking at him.

"Jungkook, are you ok?" The lightning dragon warrior asked. He was chained to the wall across from Jungkook. Jungkook took a deep breath, trying to get his emotions under control. "Jungkook?"

"I'm fine, hyung." Jungkook said as he moved to get comfortable. He looked at the faces of his fellow dragon warriors. His lightning dragon warrior hyung narrowed his eyes at him. His Jin hyung was silently crying next to his other hyung.

"I'm going to freeze that ugly ass King!" The ice dragon warrior said with rage in his eyes. The air dragon warrior, who rarely gets angry, had a fire of rage in his eyes. Everyone in the room was angry, and they wanted to kill.

Jin, who couldn't seem to calm down his cries, was pulled in a hug by the lightning dragon. Before anyone of they could speak, their ears picked up footsteps coming in their direction. They all tensed up and put their guards up. When the scent of the person hit their nose, their blood started to boil.

They all stared at the door as it opened, revealing the first king, King Jung Moon. The king had a sinful smirk as he stared at the five dragon warriors. However, his attention was drawn to the youngest of the five dragon warriors.

Jungkook stared straight in the King's eyes, with a burning fire in his eyes. The king shivered, seeing the fire in the young boy's eyes. In a weird way, the king liked it. He smirked and walked over to Jungkook. He grabbed Jungkook's face with his hand.

"You know boy, I like that fire in your eyes." King Jung Moon said. Jungkook spit on the King's face, causing the King to let go of his face.

"Don't touch me." Jungkook said in a dead tone, with a glare on his face. The king wiped away the spit and glared back at the dragon warrior. The king lifted his leg, and kicked Jungkook in his side. Jungkook let out a grunt as he fell to the ground on his side.

"You best watch it boy!"

"Don't you fucking touch him!" The ice dragon warrior yelled as he semi moved in front of Jungkook. The four dragon warriors were already mad, however kicking Jungkook had made them more angry. Jungkook was only 18, and he was the youngest. The four dragon warriors had the need to protect him.

The ice dragon warrior's eyes changed from their dark chocolate color, to a very light blue shade. His pupil became an oval shape, as he glared at the king. When one of the dragon warriors are very angry, they start to take a dragon like appeaeance. For example, their eyes turn color to match their element.

The king rolled his eyes and started walking away. However, before he left the room, and turn back at the dragons.

"I'll give you a few days to decide if you wish to lend me your powers, or rot in here." And with that the King left.

"Jungkook, are you alright?" Jin had asked, trying to get as close as he could to the younger. The ice dragon warrior helped Jungkook sit back up, however Jungkook had winced in pain. He place a hand where the King had kicked him. He lifted up his shirt and saw that there was a bruise forming.

"I'm fine." Jungkook said when he saw worry in his hyung's eyes. He rested his back against the wall while closing his eyes. However, when he closed his eyes, the faces of the Brozegard people poped up. So instead, he kept his eyes opened as he saw the others nodding off into their dreams.

I honestly kinda hate this chapter, but whatever. This took longer then I had originally planned. However, I had a lot of assignments that I had to do. But I'm just glad this chapter is out.

Also! I had order a manga called Banana Fish (any weebs out there?) And it came today during my free period! It's kinda weird to read the manga after watching the anime. The art is different, but I still love it. Anyways that's all I really wanted to tell y'all, so see you next chapter!


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