Chapter 15: Thunder and Lightning

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Jin took a deep breath before he spoke. "The mark is the same mark as the branding iron scar Jungkook has on his chest."

Jungkook's eyes widen, connecting with Jin's eyes. Jin bit his bottom lip, as his hands started shaking. Jimin and Taehyung were confused. What's so scary about a mark on Jungkook, that so happens to be the same mark on the gun and bullets? Jungkook took a deep breath, calming down his heart.

"We need to find the others. Especially Namjoon hyung." Jungkook said, as Jin nodded in agreement. Jungkook clenched his fists and glared at the ground. "Because if that bastard is still alive, then we need all dragon warriors to defend him."

"But where would we even find him?" Jin asked, as he placed a finger on his chin. He tried to think of a place where the lightning dragon would hide at. After a few minutes Jungkook gave up on thinking.

Jin continued to think of places. Where would a nerdy genius, who breaks things go to? Jin's eyes widen and he gasped.

"Of course!" Jin said hitting his hand with his other hand, which was in a fist. Jungkook, Taehyung, and Jimin looked at the elder. Jin gave a bright smile at the three of them. "The library!"

Jungkook gave an annoyed face. Who in there right mind would hide in a library. But than again, this is Namjoon. Jungkook stood up, letting out a sigh.

Jimin, who was still tense for what had happened a few minutes ago, looked at the two dragons. Something was up with them, he could feel it. He looked over at Taehyung who was staring at Jungkook with worried eyes. Jimin crossed his arms in thought.

'He is so going to fall in love with Jungkook. My intuition is telling me so.' Jimin thought to himself with a small smirk.

"What library, though?" Jungkook asked with another sigh. His body wasn't 100% recovered. Yes, Jin has the ability to heal any wound. However, because the bullet that hit him, wasn't a normal bullet and was created by someone both dragons knew, the healing process is taking longer.

"Most likely a well-known one. You know Namjoon." Jin also let out a sigh. However, deep inside, his heart was pounding with excitement. He was finally going to see the lov- er, I mean, his best friend once again. Yeah, best friend.

Jungkook nodded in agreement. His hyung was a huge nerd, who yearned for knowledge. However, even though he was a big nerd, he had one huge flaw. He was extremely clumsy and would often break things.

"Alright, let's head to Hage." Jungkook let out a sigh. He honestly didn't want to go, but since this might have something to do with him, he is willing to help. Plus, he couldn't say no to Taehyung, when he was shielding him from harms way. Jungkook ran a hand through his hair before heading inside his house. "I'll pack a bag before we leave to Hage."


The loud pounding of rain was hitting the windows of a semi large library. Along with the loud rain, was loud thunder and glowing lightning. A loud clap of thunder erupted throughout the semi small town.

A groan past through a pale man's lips, who was sitting in a chair at a table. He was soundly sleeping until the loud thunder clap erupted, and the bright glow of lightning shining through the windows.

The male titled his head to the side, letting his midnight black hair move out of his eyes. He faced the window, only to see a lightning bolt strike earth along with an extremely loud clap of thunder. The male tched before he slowly stood up.

He made his way down the rows of books. He eventually came to a stop, as his eyes scan the row. The male slowly made his way down the rows and stopped, right behind a person who was sitting on the ground at the end of the row. He slowly squated down and stared at what the person was reading.

"You're reading that, again?" The man said as the person closed the book. The person stood up, followed by the man. The person was much more taller than the man.

"I am, yes." The person said in a simple tone, as he started walking out of the row and towards the tables. The man followed behind him slowly.

"Why do you bother reading it all over again?" The man asked the person. The person gave the man a smile, causing dimples to appear on both sides of the person's face.

"Simply because I enjoy it." The person said. The man let out a sigh and ran his hand through his hair while closing his eyes. The man reopened them and sat down at the table he was previously sleeping on.

The man looked out side with a distant look in his eyes. The person sat down in front of the man and stared at the man. The man's tired eyes, from not getting enough sleep for a couple of months maybe even years, continued to stare out the window. They were the other two in the library at this time. The wild thunderstorm will continue throughout the night.

The man turned his glaz to the person. The person was also staring at the window, most likely watching the lightning that was striking earth. The man's glaz then moved to the book the person had brought to the table. The title was called:

"The Legend of the Five Dragon Warriors written by K.N.J."

Guess who couldn't fall asleep and has been awake since 1 am, and has classes at 8 am. This Girl! Fuck my life. Also, sorry for the short chapter. Anyways, author-chan has to get motivated to attend classes -3-


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