Chapter 8: Jeon Jungkook

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"So, what now?" Jimin asked Taehyung as he, Taehyung and Jin were walking. They were outside of the Balbbad (Ball-bot).

"Well, we need to find the other dragon warriors. But..." Taehyung said, as he thought. He turn towards Jin, who was eating an apple. "Do you know where any of them are at?"

Jin stood there thinking before shaking his head. Taehyung let out a sigh. He didn't know what to do now. He didn't even know the other dragon warriors names.

"Oh!" Jin said as he remembered something. Jimin and Taehyung turn to face him again. " I actually do know where one of them is."

"Who and where?"

"The fire dragon warrior..." Jin said as he looked down with sad eyes. The last time he saw the fire dragon warrior was 5,000 years ago. The kid was only 17 years old in human, when everything happened. He was also, the one who was tortured the most. "Maybe we should find the Ice dragon warrior instead."

"What? Why?" Jimin asked as he crossed his arms. He leaned against tree as he looked at Jin. "He's the closest, isn't he?"

"Well, yes but-"

"Then we should go to him." Jimin said as he shrugged his shoulders. Jimin and Taehyung turned to continue walking when Jin grabbed both of their arms.

"The reason why I think we should get the ice dragon warrior is because of who the fire dragon is." Jin said with concern in his eyes.

"What's the problem?"

"The fire dragon warrior's name is Jeon Jungkook. He is hot-head, cold, and rude, but he's a good kid." Jin said with a small smile as he recalled the hot-head male.

"Then what's the problem?" Jimin asked. He didn't understand what Jin was saying. He didn't know what Jin knew. He watched as Jin's smile dropped and he looked at Taehyung before looking at the ground.

"Do you know what happened between the dragon warriors and the first king?" Jin asked. Jimin and Taehyung both nodded their heads. "You see, the first king loved to torture us, however he had a favorite. Which was Jungkook."

Taehyung's eyes widen, and Jimin stood still. The first king had a favorite? Why didn't Daewon say anything about this? Jin let out a sigh before speaking.

"Don't look to worried." Jin said with a small smile. "Although Jungkook is hot-headed and cold, he still has a heart. He's also understanding, when he wants to be. You'll just have to try a bit harder to convince him."

Taehyung just nodded before they continued walking. They were heading to the town of Bronzegard. Bronzegard is a town of fire. It's a town that the sun seems to not visit, thus making it hard to plant food there.

It's a town that is always dark and ominous. However, Taehyung has heard that Bronzegard's people are very kind, to those who are kind to them. Taehyung just hope that it was true.


"Is this the town" Jimin asked as he looked at the dark town. Jin just nodded as the three of them started looking around. There wasn't a soul in sight, which was weird since it was daytime. "Both of you stay close, I don't feel good about this place."

Jin and Taehyung walked closer to Jimin. None of them had a good feeling about this place. Something seemed off to them. Just as they were about to talk, they heard angry voice. They looked at each other before heading towards the voices.

"You have some guts showing your face, when we told you that you're not welcome here." A gravelly voice. "Come here Jihoon, get away from that monster!"

"But daddy, he helped me find my way home." The child said with a brittle voice. The father glared at the kid before pulling him away from the other man. The father punched the other man, causing the man to stumble back a bit. "Daddy no! Don't hurt him!"

"Don't show your face here again, or you won't just get punch by me." The father said in a threatening voice. The man didn't say anything. "Go! Get the fuck out of here!"

The man let out a sigh, before turning around. Jin let out a gasp as he saw the man's face. Taehyung and Jimin looked at Jin, who had a bewildered look on his face. Before Taehyung or Jimin could ask anything, Jin walked up to the man.

The man had an emotionless face. He looked up from the ground as Jin stopped right in front of the man. The man's eyes widen a little before going back to normal.

"Jin hyung." The man said in a dead voice. Jin gave the man a big kind smile before pulling him into a hug. He couldn't help but tear up after seeing the man.

The man didn't hug back, but Jin knew that. Jin knew that the man wouldn't show a shock expression when seeing him. And he knew the man wouldn't hug him back. However, he knew the man was happy to see him.

Taehyung and Jimin watched as Jin continued hugging the man. They had no idea who this guy was, nor why Jin was hugging him. To them, the man looked angry that Jin was touching him. Taehyung shivered at the man's expression. Jimin did as well.

"Maybe we should get Jin." Jimin whispered to Taehyung. Taehyung looked at Jimin like he was crazy. The man was taller then them, and was much more stronger.

"No way! He's scary." Taehyung whispered back. The two of them started to have an argument while whispering, trying to decide who will pull Jin away from the man.

As the two were having their whispering argument, Jin had pulled away from the hug. He looked the man up and down before smiling at him. The man didn't care to much about that, however his lip was bleeding from the punch he had received earlier. He could also feel eyes on him, which he hated.

"It's been a long time. You look good." Jin said with a smile. Taehyung and Jimin both stopped their argument and looked at the other two. "How have you been?"

"I'm fine." The man replied with his dead voice. Jin narrowed his eyes. He could tell that the man wasn't fine. I mean, he was fine but not fine. "What are you doing here anyways. Shouldn't you be at Cloud Recesses."

"I decided to leave on a journey with these two." Jin said as he and the man looked at Taehyung and Jimin. Taehyung gave an awkward smile, as Jimin just nodded his head. The man just hummed before looking back at Jin. "Anyways, what was that about earlier?"

"What was what?"

"Why did that man punch you?" Jin asked as he narrowed his eyes again. The man knew he couldn't lie to Jin. He let out a sigh  before answering.

"I'm not welcome here anymore." The man said simply. Jin was shocked to hear this and was about to ask why. "The town's people here hate me for what happened 5,000 years ago."

Taehyung choked on the air. Did he hear him right. Did he say 5,000 years ago. That could only mean one thing.

"Are you-"

"Taehyung, Jimin, meet the Fire dragon warrior, Jeon Jungkook."

I really should be paying attention to my teachers. However, I finished this during  my free period so at least it wasn't during class. Anyways, I'm surprised I was able to get this out early. I don't know when the next chapter will be out, since I don't have a schedule of when I update. But I'll try to get it out soon. Anyways, see you next chapter!


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