Chapter 41: Tango

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This chapter contains Spanish phrases. The translations are in the comments from each paragraph. 

Before starting I wanted to thank all you for commenting so many sweet things, it literally makes my whole day to read yall. And for real all you guys say are kind words, I can't express how grateful I am for your support.  


After having driven for almost an hour, we finally arrived at the bar. The place from outside looked old, like really old. It had a blue and white flag outside with a sun in the middle. I didn't know where that flag was from but it looked kind of familiar. it was a two floored bar, on the upper one were two, kind of, french balconies. The entrance door was painted red and there was a big sign above it that said "Luis Argento" no idea what that meant.

As soon as we were inside the scent of alcohol immediately hit me. It wasn't fresh alcohol like the dinners I had attended in the academy, oh no, this was a raw scent that made me want to puke my guts out. Sebastian made the way towards the bartender. The guy was muscular and broad, bald and with tattoos all over his arms and upper chest. As soon as he saw Sebastian a smile spread across his face and he opened his arms to him. Behind me were Nikolai and Dominique, both trying to hide a smile back.

"Levisay my guy! And the boys!" He shouted and almost the whole bar turned to face us.

"Luis! ¿Qué tal?" Sebastian said in what I believed was spanish. I had to double check to see If had comprehended what had just happened.

"Ah pero che, todavía te acordás un poco de lo que te enseñé," The bartender, Luis, said.

"Un poco," Sebastian chuckled and made a sign with his fingers as if saying 'a little bit'.

"What are you doing here?" Luis spoke in english but he had almost no accent, I wouldn't have noticed if I didn't know he spoke another language.

"This one here," Sebastian said pointing at me. "Needs to feel passion," He winked.

"Oh...pasión?" He said in spanish.

"Exactly," Seb smirked.

"Lo hubieras dicho antes boludo," Luis glanced to his sides before turning and waving for us to follow him.

I didn't understand anything they had said in spanish but Sebastian seemed to really trust this guy. We followed him through a spiral staircase and descended probably one or two floors. I was starting to get dizzy because of the dim light around us. We got to a halt just before a small hallway with a black door, music came from inside the room. Luis gazed at us from his shoulder and slowly opened the door.

Nikolai was the closest to me, just right behind me and his hands were holding me by the waist. We all entered the room before Luis closed it and left us alone inside. I was mesmerized. The room was stunning, like nothing I had seen before. While there were round tables scattered around the room there was a wooden dancing floor in the middle of everything. There were reflectors with red, orange and yellow light that flickered around. People were either sitting on the tables drinking something or chattering.

There was only one couple on the dance floor. When my eyes settled on them my mouth gaped. The woman had a black dress with fringes while the man had the same type of suit the boys had. Full on black. The couple was standing in the middle of the room, the reflectors pointing directly at them. They were laughing, he had his hands on her waist and she had hers on his shoulders.

Suddenly a music started, it was intense and as soon as the first beat hit the couple went quiet. Everyone was watching them like me but I was hypnotized. The woman went behind the man and her hands started to run down his chest from behind. When she got to his waist he grabbed her wrist and made them turn. They synchronized with the beat every time doing hits and hits. Now the man had his right hand on her back and she had her left hand on his.

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