Chapter 17: Practice

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"Great, today we are going to start practicing," Katarina had changed into her teaching clothes and Sebastian didn't glance in my direction once.

"To start off somewhere I want to see how you do *The final duet from The Royal Ballet*," I gasped after she said that. This was a difficult dance and it needed a lot of concentration. "Let's start,"

I looked over to Sebastian. He had a collected and neutral face, like always he didn't show any type of emotion. I positioned myself in front of him where he put his hands, resting in my waist. His touch felt familiar, warm and safe. Maybe I didn't like him but when it came to dancing we were in a state I had never had with anyone. My heartbeat rose and I felt my legs weakened. I felt his mouth brush my ear and I got goosebumps from that.

"Relax," He said whispering before the music started.

Instead of calming me, his words made me even more nervous. I started dancing with him but I knew I was being sloppy and even worse, he was trying to hide it for me. It cost a couple of seconds for me to recover from this but once I did I concentrated like never before. I tightened my grip in his hand as a way of reassurance before jumping in the air. He grabbed me in time to fall and once I touched back the ground we did pirouette after pirouette until we reached number 12. Then we had to stop and breathe, this was before we did a big jatté. In the end we had to collide together on the ground and wait until Katarina said.

The music ended with both of us hugging on the floor. The only sound listenable was our accelerated breaths. I could swear my heart was pumping so hard even Sebastian could feel it. Our gazes connected with each other, for a moment the time stopped, it didn't matter that we were in front of Katarina or that this was a simple dance. This...him and me, doing the duet together felt good, we were destined to do it. Okay, maybe that was too much to say but I felt different with him as to, for example, dancing with Matthew.

The sound of someone clapping broke the moment between us and we finally separated. I sat on the floor, legs crossed while Sebastian stood and went to grab his water bottle.

"Very well you too," I smiled at her words. "Don't be so happy though, Agnes you still have a lot to perfectionet but I'm positive to say that this is going to be a great team," I stopped smiling when she said that, of course I had things to improve but this was something I was proud of.

Katarina turned away to her office, that was her way of nonverbally dismissing us. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Sebastian approaching me, so I quickly gathered my stuff and tried to leave. Just when I was about to get to the door he intercepted me, standing between the door and me.

"Can, move?" I asked without meeting his eyes.

"Agnes, you said you were going to speak with Katarina" He said with a somber tone. I did promise it but right now that was the last thing I wanted to do.

"Maybe tomorrow," I tried to push him but he grabbed my wrists.

"No, you're doing it now," Was he really giving me orders after what had happened?

"Who do you think you are? I'm not a little poppy to follow your requests," Maybe my words were a little harsh, I did say I was going to talk to her but not like this, I was the one that had to do it.

Sebastian let go of me and breathed, making his nostrils to inflate. I didn't move my hands though, they were resting on his chest. I swallowed and tensed my jaw.

"Please, just," He was struggling with his temper. "Please do it," With that he left the classroom.

I was standing in front of the door alone, looking at it as if it was the greatest piece of art ever seen. I needed to talk to Katarina and I didn't want to break my promise with the other boys. To be honest it scared me to tell the truth, it never ended well. People either didn't know what to do or simply left me because of how difficult I was to handle. Keeping it inside was safer, I wasn't seen as weak or fragile. On top of that I could maybe be tagged as mentally unstable and be removed from the program. I made my decision and knocked on Katarina's door.

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