Chapter 4: Agnes's Pasta

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It was 3 in the afternoon when I got to my dorm. I was exhausted, ballet, all the new classes, meeting so many people. It was so overwhelming I didn't even try to sleep. In the moment my head touched he pillow, my body surrendered to a state of complete trance. It wasn't until 6 pm that I woke up, a little bit confused but also restarted. I had rested the time I had needed and the best part was that I hadn't even dreamed. I remembered the dance lesson, how they had treated me just for saying something to Sebastian. I wasn't going to stop being me for them, but it was really difficult not to be scared by them. Then, the words from Katarina came back floating to me. "IF you decide to quit, I'll respect that decision, but do me a favor, don't quit for someone else." I wasn't going to quit, not now, not ever. I had promised myself that before even coming here.

My stomach was asking for food, I hadn't even had breakfast. In my defense I had fainted in the middle of the night. I went to the kitchen and realized there wasn't any food in the fridge. Disappointed I went to the hallway and found a sticky note in my door that said "To Agnes, from Sarah. You were sleeping very peaceful so I didn't want to wake you, I'm going to a music show, a friend invited me. I think the angel guy was playing. Anyways, I'll be home at 8, see ya'!" I smiled at the message and took it out of the door. I was now inspired to cook, something I hadn't done in while. I had two hours, that was good, I said to myself while starting to get dressed in something more appropriate than a skirt and a crop top. I had a grey sweater and white jeans that sticked to my body very well. I picked a scarf before leaving my room and then left the dorm. I had my purse with money and little bag for the groceries.

The wind was very cold though I had warm clothes on. I knew we had a tiny marketplace to buy food, somewhere around the campus. Though it was very difficult to guess where it was because I had missed the tour. My body shivered when a cold breeze stroke me. I was standing alone in the night, of course I knew there wasn't anything to be worried about but being lost wasn't good either. My phone vibrated, it was my grannies asking how my first day had been. I leaned on a tree and decided to answer her.

"Hi Grannie! it's been so good, I love it here. Did you know I could shop dresses for free? Also, the academy provides the pointe shoes and everything I might need. I would love to call you but I'm really busy and tired! It was a long day." Did I have to tell her about the dreams? After all I hadn't had one in the nap...maybe it was better not to worry her. "I'm feeling super happy, love you, send a kiss to grandpa, I'm sure he wanted to talk to me but doesn't understand how messages work. Hugs and love for the both, take care" I sent the message and smiled like a fool to the screen. It was around 3 pm there but they weren't usually on the phone. I put mine back into my purse and looked around to try and found the groceries store, it was nowhere to be seen. How could I be so stupid? The only thing I had to do was finding a map or something and I hadn't done even that. In the distance I saw someone walking towards me. Because of the little light and the fact that this person had a coat was making my power of guessing very difficult. IT wasn't until he was two steps in front of me I regonized him as Matthew.

"Hi! You seem lost" I blushed and nodded "Where do you need to go? I can come with you" My hopes were up.

"I want to cook but I have no food"

"Follow me, Agnes right?"

"Yes" We walked in an uncomfortable silence. It was weird considering I had only been alone with Sarah and my experience with boys wasn't that extensive. I really needed to fill the void. "So...You like ballet?" He laughed, of course he did. He wouldn't be here otherwise.

"I do, it was really impressive to hear you today, you know, with Sebastian" I rolled my eyes, this wasn't the topic I wanted to touch. "I think we were all thinking about the mistake but you were the one that spoke"

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