Chapter 18: Tasting gold

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I was late for my next class because Katarina had taken longer than usual to end her practice. Today we had had a normal class with everyone, not a private one with Sebastian. In a way it was calmer, I didn't get super nervous. I had politics next and it was my least favorite subject. It was boring as fuck and I didn't know anyone in it. My professor didn't even know my name, he always thought it was April, what the fuck.

I was seated on the last row with a couple other students, listening to the professor explain things. I was trying to focus on the lesson but my mind drifted to the three boys every time. Dominique sleeping beside me, Nikolai caring for me when I had a panic attack and Sebastian dancing with me. They had an effect on me that nobody had. Why was it that all I could think was how dreamy they were? I clenched my fists when their image floated in my mind. My pen slid down the seat table and it fell to the ground. I was about to crouch down when a hand stopped me and grabbed the pen for me.

"Here you have," A boy with very light blonde hair smiled at me when lending the pen back in my hand.

"Thanks," I said quietly.

"Don't worry, what's your name?" He still had this big smile, like Dominique's but his was creepier.

"Agnes, yours?" I answered.

"Charles," We shook hands.

He held my hand for a bit longer than usual, making me feel awkward. We were staring at each other and I didn't want to look rude if I took my hand out of his grasp. When the moment became too weird he took it out but kept staring. I, on the other side, only turned around to watch the front of the classroom. I could feel his piercing eyes never leaving me.

When the bell rang I quickly stood up, picking up my stuff and trying to leave. I could see from the corner of my eye he was doing the same thing and I didn't want to talk with him, he made me uncomfortable. He fastened his pace and quickly got to my side.

"Hey, Agnes, I think I saw you at the party last Saturday," He said when we were just leaving the classroom.

"Oh, you did? I'm sorry I don't remember you," I was looking around trying to find a fast exit.

"Yes, we spoke for like three minutes," He smiled and grabbed me by my elbow.

I frowned at his grip and swallowed, why was he so confident doing that? I tried to let go but he gripped even harder. My pulse rushed when he smiled again, knowing I felt uncomfortable.

"So," He continued. "Can I have your number?"

His soft features and calm voice didn't coordinate with his creepy actions. It was like he didn't want to make people notice how weird this situation was, but I'm certain my face gave away all my emotions. I shook my head and cleared my throat.

"I'm sorry, I don't...I don't really want to," I said fearfully.

"Common, am I that ugly?" He chuckled with that smile on his face. I was about to fight against his hold when a voice I well recognized interrupted us.

"She said she didn't want to," Nikolai said from behind his back.

I could see his angry hazel eyes and the hair covering one of his eyes from looking down at the guy. Charles didn't back off and that made Nikolai angrier. I struggled against his grip.

"I think we can handle it alone, Nikolai," Charles said, did they know each other?

"I think you're misunderstanding the situation," He glared at our connected arms. "Let go of her before I make you," His tone was fierce.

"Man, we're just conversing," He said.

That was the last drop Nikolai could handle. Suddenly I felt his grip disappearing and I looked at where it was confused. When I fazed back up I found Nikolai cornering Charles by the wall. He looked crazy mad while restraining himself from punching the guy. Charles was no longer speaking, he was scared.

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