Chapter 53: The Last day

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I walk down the building's stairs and step on the grass. Finally I can relax, the last day of classes finally ended. It's officially over, I've passed half my first year in The Academia. There was nothing else to say or do. My classes were over, I wouldn't have to think of anything until the end of Winter break. Earlier today Granny had called to congratulate me and check on me. Sarah and I had opened a bottle of champagne before going to sleep the night before and I had seen Kara around campus, we both congratulated each other.

The only thing that was off were the guys. Neither of them was I able to locate the whole day. Dominique didn't even send a message of good luck. But I had a feeling that this was one of their surprises. I knew them well enough not to panic or get sad.

So it wasn't much of a revelation when I found the three of them waiting for me in the parking lot. The smile spread across my face immediately. Nikolai held his arms for me and I went to hug them. I didn't know Dominique could leave the house, but I was extremely happy. I felt Sebastian pat my hair and then enter the car.

"We want to show you something," Nikolai whispered and entered too, leaving me with Dominique.

"Thank you," I smiled at him.

"For what?" He said, sounding confused.

"For coming too," I hugged him and he rested his good arm on my shoulder. They had taken his cast away this morning, but he still felt sore on that arm.

We both went into the back seats. My heart raced, something it did every time I entered a car. I refused to go on the passenger seat, but sitting here or driving wasn't nearly as bad. However I could sense Dominique tensing besides me. I looked at him and with, what I hoped, was a comforting smile. With my hand I grabbed his and gave a light kiss on the back of the palm.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"Of course Agneou, don't worry,"

But I did worry, I couldn't help but do so. From the side of my eyes I could see Dominique moving the fingers in his before casted hand with a ball. That was a habit he had grown a little while ago. The doctor had told him that once the cast was off he would be able to use a ball of stress for recovery, the moment they took the cast off he had grabbed a ball and hadn't let go of it after. All day long he squeezed and released.

We drove for some minutes, leaving the campus behind and entering the city. We passed Broadway until one place I knew oh so well. There in front of us was the first place I had gone with the three of them. The french restaurant that had put me in a nervous shock but now held many good memories.

"How better to celebrate your first ending with our first beginning?" Nikolai spoke from the front seat.

"I wouldn't have had it any other way,"

All of us went inside the restaurant. There it was, the same table with the same tablecloth. Everything was so familiar and it made me very happy. We sat down, me still marvelled by everything as if it were the first time I was there. And as if it were not enough, mr. waiter, Louis, came to greet us. He helped me with the chair and took our orders. After some compliments in french he parted behind the kitchen.

"Thank you guys, this is more than amazing," The smile in my face already showed how grateful I was.


I must admit, we were a little bit drunk. Nikolai was the only one who hadn't drank just so he could drive. But the rest of us, we were busted. Two bottles of champagne and one wine had put me dizzy and stupid. Everything seemed funnier and bigger. Even the ant passing down the gravel looked like a giant for me.

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