Chapter 1: Welcome to the Elite academy for Arts

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When a letter arrived at my house saying I got accepted to the Elite Academy, my eyes couldn't even believe it! It was the first time something happy had happened to me after the accident

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When a letter arrived at my house saying I got accepted to the Elite Academy, my eyes couldn't even believe it! It was the first time something happy had happened to me after the accident. My grandparents were absolutely frenetic, super happy. I remember crying every day before sleeping and after waking up. Tears of happiness. I mean, being accepted at this university, where most of the rich kids went, and to live the American dream as a ballet dancer, wow. I don't have words to describe how fortunate I feel.

So, When summer ended I left Vancouver, the life I had been experiencing for 2 years. Everything I knew. I took a cab, my things and left my home.


The big wooden doors were in front of me. My suitcases were on the floor and the cab had just left. You will ask how an 18 year old girl was now about to enter The Elite Academy for Arts. Well, that's something I'm asking myself too. For all my life all I have wanted was this, and now I had achieved my goal. All the first year people were saying goodbye to their parents and some had already started chatting with the rest. I was, in fact, alone, trying to calm my pulse. Everything was going to be alright and I had nothing to be worried about. Looking around I saw all types of girls, some were nervous, others had confident looks on their faces. Finally there I was, not thinking I even belonged here. I watched how a middle-aged woman tried to speak to everyone with a lot of struggle.

"PLEASE!" She screamed and everyone shut up "Thank you, my name is Clarice" the woman smiled gratefully at everyone "It's my pleasure to welcome everybody to the Academy." A round of applause made her laugh "Now that you've said your goodbyes it's time to enter the facilities." The air tensed "Come with me please"

We all followed Clarice throughout the enormous Hallway while various people with elegant uniforms gazed at us. I couldn't stop blushing from all the attention we were given. I know that it wasn't me that they watched, but it seemed like it. A man came up to us, talked, called out the boys and they all left the other way. After a couple of minutes of walking through the campus, we entered a dorm building.

"Well, it's time for everyone to get into their own dorms. You'll have two hours to settle in and rest. After that, it's the welcome activities. Something we do for you to learn where everything is located. Don't worry if you don't get it right away, you'll get used to it."

A blonde girl with the same uniform as before came to Clarice and told her something in her ear.

"This is Caroline, she's a senior and is in charge of the dorms unit, we call her the prefect. When you need help with your rooms, you ask for her" There was an uncomfortable silence "She will now assign you your dorms" This time came to a wave of whispers.

Caroline started to give everyone a keycard that said our dorm number. When there was a match between friends there would be a scream. Finally, I got mine, 102. It was at the end of the floor. I walked over there and opened the door easily. It was a beautiful and big room with a huge window covering the whole outside wall. A mini kitchen was just beside the entrance, the living room had a couch, a desk, and a TV. Before I could go into my bedroom the door behind me opened.

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