Chapter 26: Confessions part 1

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I got to practice on Friday a little bit late

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I got to practice on Friday a little bit late. Luckily for me Katarina hadn't arrived yet. Both Sophie and Tessa were stretching on the floor while the boys were on opposite sides of the room. I went towards Sebastian and I smiled.

"You have to congratulate me," I said with the biggest smile I could get.

"What for?" He raised a brow.

"Today I finish my solo dance!" I threw my hands in the air.

"That's incredible Agnes!" My name coming out of his mouth was magic to my ears. "Are you happy with how it is?" He leaned closer to me,

"Yes, I love it, you should be envious of it," I winked at the game of words.

"Oh, clever," He chuckled and we both went back to stretching in silence. After a while we were all kind of impatient to know where Katarina was. Half an hour had gone by and we were still doing nothing when the classroom door snapped open.

"Well well well guess who's back," Maia's voice echoed and we all turned to look at her. "What? You look like you've seen a ghost," She smirked.

She walked over to her two friends who were now smiling after the initial shock. Behind her, Katarina entered with papers and things she always had one her hands.

"Maia will be dancing at the Gala," Katarina said without looking at us. My heart almost stopped beating when she said that. Did that mean I wasn't going to dance the duet? As if on cue she said. "Only her solo, Agnes will still be doing the duet,"

With that she started giving the lesson as if nothing had happened. Maia was back on her perfect leotard and pointes as if she had never had an accident. And I was doing my final parts of the choreography. Everyone was practicing on their own world, not paying attention to what others were doing, probably because no one cared. Then Katarina glanced at me with a frown.

"You're not giving me envy, I'm not feeling anything from this mediocre dance," She said derogatively. "It's not the time to be a little girl Agnes, you're dismissed, Tuesday I want to see you doing it perfectly," She snapped and my bubble was broken.

I swallowed my tears and packed my bag before leaving the classroom. No one said anything, a part of me wanting that Sebastian had done something to defend me even though it wasn't his responsibility to do so. I left the building towards my apartment and I thought Sarah wasn't going to be inside, so I slammed the door and threw the bag to the floor.

"Ey ey! what's going on?" My roommate said with a grin. "Someone's not happy" She laughed.

"I wanna die," I said dramatically. "Katarina's a bitch, seriously, how am I supposed to know what she wants me to portrait if she doesn't tell me? Find it she says! FIND IT! What the actual...?"

"Calm down girl, she kicked you out of class?" Sarah asked and I nodded. "It's not a big deal," She drank from her mug.

"I missed you," I said with a smile and she opened her arms to give me a hug.

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