Chapter 19: Reinworvs

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I was expecting a very elegant and expensive restaurant but when I hopped out of the car I was surprised to see a more casual and familiar one. I had already been here with my granny when we arrived. It was an Italian restaurant, the tables outside had tablecloths with red and white squares, there were cute adornments as well and big families sat all around the outside. Dominique entwined our arms and we got inside. The tables here were the same but smaller so they could fit more together.

"Do you like it?" He asked and fidgeted with his fingers.

"Of course! I actually came here before," I said and smiled.

"Really? When?" We were waiting to tell what table was ours.

"With my grandma when we just came to NYC,"

"Oh! That's great," He said and in that moment a waiter signaled to us our place.

It was a big table isolated from the rest. I immediately recognized Sebastian's dark hair and Nikolai's smile, they both wore creamy shirts and brown jeans. Now that I looked at us I realized we all had the same color palette. Around them were other men, all kind of old with glasses and casual clothes. One of them had made a joke and the entire group was laughing loudly. Probably I was staring at them strangely because Dominique squeezed our hands for reassurance. In that moment the man that had done the joke glanced at us and a smile spread through his face.

"Gentlemen, the maid of honor!" He said and the entire table turned to us. I blushed because of all the attention, gazing at the other boys I noticed they had too.

"Reinworvs," Dominique smiled and we got up to the professor.

"How is my young boy doing?" They both hugged and I stood there with a dumb smile on. Then Dominique went to greet the rest of the table. "And you must be Agnes," He extended his hand for me and I took it. "It's a pleasure, the boys have said a lot about you young lady," He winked at me and I flushed again.

"The pleasure is all mine professor," I swallowed and forced a smile.

I didn't know if learning that they spoke about me with a professor was good or not. Then again, I didn't really know what type of relation they had with him since it seemed to be a close one. I looked around with an awkward expression until Sebastian patted the chair besides him. I went up to it and sat with my legs crossed and my hands intertwined.

"So, Agnes right?" A petite and dirty blonde guy asked. He had round glasses and a beard from a week in his face. He was old though not as old as some of the others seemed. He wore a brown jacket and his smile was very genuine.

"Yes," I winced realizing I didn't know his name. "You are..."

"Garrick, Reinworvs assistant," He giggled. "This guys have been talking about you non stop,"

My heart dropped and I immediately glanced at the three of them. Each entablencing a conversation with different professors, none seemed to give me attention or care that I was talking with Garrick.

"Really? What did they say?" I giggled as well.

"Oh, that you're extremely talented, Sebastian even said you were going to be the best dancer out of all the students Katarina has," He winked and I almost fell from the chair. Did he really say that? "You know I think you captivated them, you seem special,"

My cheeks turned bright red, my heart thumbed out of my chest and I couldn't help the smile that spread through my face. If what Gerrick said was true then that meant they enjoyed being with me and for some reason that melted my heart. Then I remembered all the kisses Dominique had given me yesterday and I shivered. It was weird to like what had happened, but I had loved our little intimate moment.

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