Chapter 55: Last rehearsal

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"Run while you can!" Matthew came out of the room with his bag over his shoulders. He was sweating like never before and his shoes were still on. Behind him came a tired Maia, she didn't look as trashed as the boy before her but she was still a mess.

"She's spitting fire," She brushed her hair behind her back and passed by me.

I peeked inside the room and then felt a hand squeezing mine. I turned to face Sebastian. He smiled at me reassuringly and kissed my lips in a quick peck.

"Don't worry,"

"So easy for you to say," I could properly eat all the fingernails on my hand if I tried.

We entered the room waiting for a tsunami to scream at us but instead, Katarina sat calmly on the bench. She was sweating too which didn't calm me down. She had her eyes closed and her palms stretched in the air in front of her. Sebastian and I shared a questioning look with each other and then we tiptoed nearing her. He waved a hand in front of her face and in that moment she caught his wrist.

"I can still hear you," She opened her eyes and slowly stood up. "Opening pose come on, we don't have all day," She clapped her hands in a directing manner and we both quickly got ourselves into position, leaving our bags behind. "5,6,7,8!"

The music started after her countdown and we started. My head went under his arm, his hand grabbed my neck and I let myself fall into his chest. He twirled us around as he should and I let myself be carried by him across the room. I kept thinking "invisible rope, invisible rope". We were one with each other.

I mirrored him, if he extended his left arm I did the same with my right one. He wanted to reach me and I wanted him to. It was the chasing part, I did my pirouettes. One, two then three, four, five, six and a grand jeté. The floor was an inch apart from me but I was caught before falling. Sebastian held me in his arms. I trusted him, I trusted my life with him.

I tried to think of all the kisses, all the things he had made me feel. It was enough to set my body on fire. My feet touched the ground again and I swirled to look at him. His eyes on me, revising my whole body, I could get lost in them in those ocean blue pools. His fist shut straight at me and I extended my arms to catch it.

He embraced me and he rocked us from side to side, my head completely numb on his palm, my hair falling from between his fingers in cascades. The dance continued and I let everything happen how it was supposed to. Not one error occurred, we did it perfectly.

The song ended and I waited in my final position until Katarina said it was over. When she clapped I lifted my head. Sebastian too was out of position. He came to me and quickly helped me onto my feet again. I smiled sweetly at him and then we faced Katarina. She was nodding while holding her notebook to her chest.

"That was perfect, I know you know that," She finally faced us back. "But don't get too comfortable, I don't want you to over exceed yourselves before tomorrow. Agnes I need you to practice Never enough with me for one last time. Sebastian you are done,"

He nodded and grabbed my wrist to lead the way out. I frowned looking up at him. I stopped him and held my stance.

"What are you doing?" I asked. "I have to practice,"

"Not now," He turned to Katarina. "Not now right?"

"I'm afraid there's no other time to do it," She said, not meeting his eyes while setting the music player.

"What about 'not over exceeding ourselves''' He used his fingers to quote on the air.

"I'll be fine, I promise," I tugged from his arm and looked at him reassuringly. "I'll see you tonight," I kissed his nose and he left with a frown on his face.

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