Chapter 21: Teamwork

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"Agnes?" Katarina called me for the fifth time. The truth was I had my head somewhere else.

"I'm sorry," I said with my gaze down.

"I don't want to hear it, snap out of it or leave my classroom," She said while turning away.

Sebastian walked towards me with the intention of speaking with me but Katarina suddenly turned our Choreography music on and signaled with a finger the middle of the room. I took that chance to give my back to Sebastian and positioned myself for the beginning. He did the same and before starting he let out a sigh. We danced, twirling like one soul together and hearing the beautiful song that this was, it didn't have lyrics so it was easier to follow step by step. The tempo helped me to keep up with Sebastian with ease.

Every Wednesday (as well as Mondays) we had practice by ourselves, which was incredibly helpful because I didn't have to think about how I looked or be nervous about Matthew's glare. Overall it was calmer. Today had been a horrific lesson, in my case I wasn't in the right headspace, the only thing I could think of was my appointment with doctor Brown and what he was going to think about me. My line of thought was quickly snatched away when Katarina turned the music off and sighed.

"Okay, I'm not going to lie on this one," She said slowly. "You two have a real connection, which is very helpful, but it doesn't give you the right to be sloppy," She clapped her hands together and stared at us.

The both of us looked at each other with worried eyes, he was genuinely concerned and that scared me. Katarina walked towards a chair and picked a closed box then came back with us. She set the box in front of our feet but we didn't dare move it or look inside of it.

"Sebastian, you are holding yourself. I can see that, I don't know if it is because you want to make it easier for Agnes or what but I don't like it, not one bit," She furrowed her brows to us. "And Agnes, you looked stupid there, there's not the lust I have seen you two have," She smirked not directly at us and I realized she had seen us practice the other time. "So, we're doing building exercises for you two to understand each other," Her smirk grew even wider.

Sebastian growled at her and turned around, visibly upset about what Katarina had decided to make us do. I didn't really understand what she meant with building exercises, but it couldn't be that bad, did it?

"Katarina, it's stupid, we are not children," He said with an angry tone.

"Oh, but with the way you are dancing I can fairly say you two look like kids, so," She opened the box and inside I saw a blindfold, rope and ear plugs. I frowned with concern and Katarina literally laughed. "Here you go," She handed me the blindfold. "You're going to use it while we practice the duet from Monday," She then picked the plugs up and gave them to Sebastian.

I quickly scanned the box again, the ropes were left but I couldn't distinguish what they could be used for. My curious eyes were caught by Katarina because she chuckled and slowly took out the ropes.

"Here's the real catch," She built suspense while we stared at her. "Since Lust is about touching, feeling, liking, heat, you'll have to do your choreography while grabbing and using the rope," She grinned mischievously and we groaned. "You can't only grab it, it has to be included, which means turning the choreography in hopes of the rope and not the other way around," She threw it at our feet and Sebastian quickly grabbed it so it wouldn't fall. "Perfect, now, Agnes, use the blindfold; Sebastian, cover your ears,"

We nodded and did what it was told. It was going to be very difficult if we didn't have two of our senses. We were good and talented but not gods, we couldn't do magic to get ourselves out of this. I felt his hands grab my waist and I jumped out of surprise but quickly recovered and took my place for the start of the dance.

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