Chapter 37: Representation night

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Sebastian opened the door and I was immediately hit by the overwhelming sound of music and the bright light from inside. Chandeliers hung from the ceiling with beautiful crystals, on the centre of the room was a lower stage where someone played the harp and someone played the piano. It was beautiful how the walls were colored with gold intriquets and the windows all had blue curtains.

"Wow," I said as if my breath was being taken away.

Sebastian chuckled from the side and put his hand on my bare back. The dress I had was lower thigh length and my back was bare while my sleeves were long. His suit matched perfectly with my dress because the hem of his sleeves had glitter just like my bust part.

"Welcome," A man said from the other side. He had a list on his hands. "Name and invitation?"

"Agnes Williams," I said but my eyes were still staring at everything.

Sebastian grabbed the invitation from my hand and gave it to the man. After that I had to regain composure as I saw Katarina approaching. She seemed to be on edge of exploding. I wanted to internally scream and escape, everything but confront Katarina.

"Well you are finally here, what took you so long?" She said looking from one to the other.

"Family business," Sebastian answered with a bored expression.

"The two of you together? Why couldn't you answer? I've been trying to contact you the whole day," She sounded exasperated. "Agnes if you keep with this careless behavior I'm going to be bound to take your dances away," She said sternly.

My ears couldn't believe what I was hearing. I had practiced so hard to get to where I was, to get the solo and duet with Sebastian. It seemed so unfair that she could simply take that all away. I could feel the tears pressing to get out of my eyes but I kept a stern face and clenched my jaw.

"Yes, the two of us together, I needed something from her and she came as soon as she was able to," Sebastian said when noticing I wasn't going to be able to answer myself. "We had to drive to a place so we had no reception," He explained.

"Okay, better not repeat it," She turned but before leaving she glanced over at me from her shoulder. "And Agnes, you should talk with people tonight," With that she went with some woman outside and I was left startled with Sebastian's hand still on my back.

"Why don't we go say hello to Professor Reinworvs?" He winked at me and I nodded, still surprised about Katarina's last words.

Slowly we made our way towards the crowd where the professor awaited. He had a wine glass on his hand and was laughing at something when we both got there. As soon as he saw us his smile widened and he reached his arm I frowned when he made me spun to him and his arm rested on my shoulder.

"Well well well, look at what we have here," This was probably the strangest way a professor had approached me, ever. "Ladies and Gentlemen, this is Agnes Williams," He said with enthusiasm. "You'll never see a young lady like her, quite the feisty actually,"

My cheeks turned red at the memory of me screaming at his whole table of coworkers. But at the same time I smiled at those memories too, it had been a fun lunch that one. Reinworvs smiled down at me and suddenly I felt a pair of hands on my waist, taking me from besides the professor. Just from the touch I knew it was Sebastian. He had dancer's hands that touched everything in the best way possible. I could get lost just from imagining him touching me. I licked my lips at the thought but had to concentrate on what was happening with everyone surrounding me.

"So, Agnes, how's your training going," Reinworvs asked through his glass. I sucked in air as I thought about me being a complete failure.

"Working to get better," I said clearly but Sebastian shifted behind me with a knowingly smirk.

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