Chapter 70*

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*** Double uptade! Make sure you've read chapter 69 before this one!

-Emma POV-

"Can you believe this place is almost two thousand years old?" I ask him, gutted by the scenery around us.

"I understand the feeling, I've felt the same the first time I'd stepped on those old rocks." Harry reply, taking hold of the railing in front of us.

I smile at him, the end of August sun warming my face as I do so. It's been a crazy month. At the beginning of August, Harry flew out to Mexico for his Light Up music video. We did a lot of facetime because I wasn't able to join him for medical reasons. Those medical reasons were basically about my pain medication. I had to see Dr. Liam West because my cramps were too bad, so I couldn't travel with Harry. Once my pain medication was adjusted and I had made up for lost time with Ron and Jaye, I flew back to Harry's mom in London. She was a huge support to me during that time. Thanks to God for making Anne Twist ever exist.

Harry travelled from Mexico to Sicily in a matter of time, and I happened to tell him visiting Italy was my dream when he joined me back in London. I told him I was kinda sad I couldn't make it with him in Italy, so, as the sweetest human being he is, he take me to an amazing trip in Rome, visiting the most iconic place in the world, and making my dream come true at the same time.

Looking at the Colosseum right now, it felt kinda final. It's the only time I'll be able to see it with my eyes, and I wish I could freeze that moment and put it into a snowball that I shake to revive it anytime I want.

A huge cramp interrupts my thoughts and I shift on my leg, wincing.

"Having pain again?" Harry softly run his hand into my back as he ask, trying to soothe me.

I smile a little then look at him. "It's nothing, really."

"Stop, you're hurting, I see it in your eyes." He stroke my cheek as I close my eyes and lay my head onto his hand. "Maybe you should go back to see Liam to adjust your pain medication."

"I don't want to." I mumble, shaking my head.

"Why? You are suffering. Why would you let yourself suffer?" He kiss my forehead, probably for telling me he is not judging me, but he is supporting me. He's the best.

"Because my pain medication is already really huge. If I take some more, I might become confused, and totally drugged by it. There is already not enough time left for us together, and I don't want to lose it because my mind is not following me anymore. I wanna be there, like 100% there with you, I don't wanna waste any time left." His eyes are red when I finish my explanation and he reaches down to kiss me. I know it's hard for him, and I hate that feeling. The feeling where I'm the reason for his suffering.

"I love you, Emma. And I understand. But I don't you to suffer. I hate it." A loose strand of hair fall in front of his eyes as he say this, and I reach to push it back into his head as I answer him.

"I swear to you Harry, it's bearable. If it becomes unbearable, I'll take a doctor appointment." I look straight into his emerald eyes saying this. I want him to believe me.

"Okay." He agree and reach down again to kiss me and steal my breath at the same time.


After our wandering around Rome, we get back to the hotel for shower and get ready for dinner. Harry made a reservation at a fancy restaurant. He told me the dress code is very formal, and he bring me to Gucci in Rome to buy a dress for the night. Of course, I argue about it being way too expensive, but Harry didn't let me have the upper hand with it. So I end up with an elegant Gucci bow tweed dress. It's a white sleeveless dress with a soft plaid black design, a black bow tie at the neckline and the dress is mid thigh length.

Sweet Creature [H.S RL]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon