Chapter 34

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-Emma POV-

"A grande Verona, please." I ask the smiling barista.

"Sure thing." She smile to me and head to the brewer.

"You like your things strong, aren't you?" Lisa ask me beside me, before sipping her probably pretty hot coffee, because she flinch.

"A not strong coffee is not a coffee for me." I smirk to her and thank the barista who hand me my coffee. We decide to meet over a coffee before my departure. I leave tonight and all of my things are packed since yesterday morning. Mason will accompany me at the airport, and Harry manage to find him a seat by my side on the plane. Me and Lisa settle at a corner table.

"How much time will you be away? Did that grand aunt of yours is dying for you to travel the globe to see her?"

Yes, I maybe lied to Lisa about my reason to go to England. Hey, you can't blame me. If I had tell her I'll join Harry Styles, she'll probably scream it to everyone and I could say goodbye to my quiet life. I like her, but she speak way too much.

"You could say that." Talking about a vague answer, I know. I hate to lie. "And I don't know yet when I'll be back, but I'll let you know when it happen."

"Alright, then for a good last hangout before you go, we could go to your flat. I've never seen it, and you've come to mine once. I appreciate the coffee shop, but let's say that on a Saturday morning I prefer lying down on a couch." She chuckle.

Shit. "Yeah, um, about that, we can't, um, hangout at mine." I fiddle with my finger. God, I really hate to lie.

"Why not?" She frown.

"My place have, um, a rats problem. I live in a slum..." I say that, never looking back at her. Lisa burst out laughing, and I look at her, making a face.

"Yeah, right, and I'm Michelle Obama." What? " Come on, Em. You have a chauffeur that drive a Range Rover. You're not living in a slum. What's the big deal?" It's official, I suck at lying.

I sigh. "Mason is not my chauffeur, and the Range Rover is not mine. I'm, um, squatting at a friend's house, if I can say so."

"So why are you lying about it? Do you really join your grand aunt or is that a lie too?" I sigh.

"It's just, complicated. Yes, I am joining my friend over there, but I can't tell any much more. Please accept that."

"So, your friend is famous. Who is it?" God, will she drop it?

"I'll tell you when it's time to."

"Alright, alright. I'll forget it, for now." She wink at me. I just hope she'll drop it, for real. My phone ping in my pocket and I reach for it.

1 new text message from Cheeky British Bastard

I see Lisa peek at my phone. Jeez, I'm glad to have change his name. at least, it's not obvious who it is. If she had seen Harry write there and know I'm going to England, that would been crystal clear to her.

From Cheeky British Bastard: In almost 16 hours you're here and I can't tell how much I'm looking forward to it. xx

There is a picture attach to the text, and there is one thing in that picture that caught my eyes.

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