Chapter 39

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-Emma POV-

"You're such a little bitch." Will slap me in the face and push me on the wall.

He keep telling me how shit I am and having enough, I turn around and punch him in the face. When he take away his hand from his face, the nose I see bleeding is not Will's one. It's Harry's. Harry is watching me, hurt, because of me.

No. NO!

I emerge from sleep breathless and in sweat. What the hell is wrong with me. I look on my left where Harry was when we fall asleep, and see no one. That, at least, explain the presence of nightmare.

I see a black shirt fold with a piece of paper on top of it, carefully set down on the pillow he used yesterday. I read the note.

Dear Emma,

You look so peaceful there I didn't want to wake you.

I want to leave you a little something from mine, for you to find a way close to me.

I'm eager to see you again.


H xxx

I unfold the hoodie and see it's one from his merch, the last one he released, with 'Treat people with kindness' write on it in rainbow color. I love that hoodie. I take it and reach it to my face, take a sniff of Harry scent on it. I close my eyes and savour the last hours in my memory of sex with the man I love. Yes, I love him. I realised it when I was able to have sex with him fully at ease, with no restrain. It's the only man I'll be able to strip in front of, and let him touch me for sure. I take my phone and lay back down. It's almost 8 AM, so Harry is about to take off from Toronto so I try my luck and text him.

To Cheeky British Bastard: Thank you for the hoodie. I love the attention. Safe flight, text me when you land xx

I don't have time to open my instagram app that my phone buzz.

From Cheeky British Bastard: Best thing in the world, your wishes when I'm about to take off. Thank you, love. I'll text you soon xxx

I smile and stand up from bed. I go in the shower and pack my bag, because I have a flight to take this afternoon. I put on his hoodie and reach the kitchen to find my dad awake. I kiss his cheek and pour myself a coffee.

"Tu me semble de belle humeur, Harry aussi semblait de belle humeur ce matin. (You seem in good shape, Harry look in good shape too this morning.)"

"Oui, je suis heureuse ce matin. (Yes, I'm happy today.)" I smile to him while I put some bread on the toaster.

"Rien avoir avec ce que j'ai entendue hier, n'est-ce-pas? (Nothing to do with what I've heard yesterday, right?)" Is he teasing me?

"Qu'as-tu entendu, au juste? (What did you heard, exactly?)" My dad smirk to me. Oh no.

"Il tire et compte. (He shoot and score)" Oh god. I hide my face in my hand and my dad laugh. "Je l'aime bien, donc ça ne me dérange pas. Tu semblais avoir du plaisir aussi. (I like him, so I don't care. You look to have fun too.) " I groan, my face still hidden in my palms and he pat my shoulder and leave the kitchen, laughing.

Worst daddy-daughter moment ever.


I'm currently in the car to Harry's house in LA. Mason come get me at the airport. Saying my goodbye to my dad was tough, but I wouldn't go back in my life. I love my life in LA now. I promise him to be in touch, and to never talk about last night, ever again.

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