Chapter 63

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DOUBLE UPTADE: Be sure you have read chapter 62 before this one. 

-Emma POV-

The morning after his conversation with his mother, I found Harry in the kitchen making me a breakfast, greeting me with a hot coffee mug. He kiss me, his mood totally different from yesterday night. He look lighter. Talking to his mom about that situation probably help, since she know why I haven't talk to him yet.

Today and tomorrow we're heading to Queens for a Rolling Stone photoshoot. I'm thrilled, because I'll be able to watch Harry modeling for the first time, and it's appealing. Of course, I'll need to fight my urge to jump on him, but with the people around, it should calm me down.

I soon arrived at the location, before Harry, because we know paps will be waiting for him to come out. Apparently, someone at Rolling Stone tell another someone about Harry being there for a photoshoot. The fact alone is not too bad, but if I was about to come to the place with him, I know the internet would be set in fire. After the emotional day we had yesterday, we both decide it would be best if we come apart.

I greet the people in there and join the photograph at the spot beside the water. It's really a beautiful spot, one I didn't know exist in Queens. Me and Ryan, the photograph, do small talk waiting for Harry, and Ryan take some shot of me, saying he want to adjust his camera with the light.

Soon enough, Harry emerge from the tent near the New York bay with a sparkling blue jumpsuit, the front open to reveal his tone skin and the butterfly on his stomach. He's with two persons, one I guess is the hairdresser, the other one being his stylist, Harry Lambert.

During the whole photoshoot, Harry keep glancing my way, smirking, or even undressing me with his eyes. He do it so much that Ryan ask me to come stand by his side, since Harry wasn't looking at the camera. Harry pose in different posture, with different outfit, some very cocky, but so much Harry.

At the end of the shoot, Harry jump back in his yellow trouser and his blue shirt. We join the team in the main building as they look through the pictures, trying to find the best shot. As they ask for Harry opinion, he always ask what I think about the picture before telling them it's good. So basically, I choose the picture that going to be featured in the Rolling Stone magazine. Rob Sheffield, the guy that interviewed Harry last month in LA, summarize the interview again.

"So Harry, as we talk about it, I'll start the article on the place we go in LA, the things you told me there, the song that played in the car back then, Stevie Nicks, and the inspiration behind your last album, Fine Line, which I won't be naming, since it's not public yet. I also add the mushroom thing, since I find it brilliant and down to earth. I also add Tom declaration about you and Camille dating last years, as she's the reason behind the song you wrote and the depress time."

I freeze in my spot, gulping my anxiety down for the people around won't notice my sudden change of mood. I shift on my seat as I find Harry watching me. I look away on the farest wall, not wanting to disturbed Harry on his appointment. It's when my head start spinning with thoughts. He's been with Camille? How long? His heartbreak was really about Mitch or not? Did he loved her? Does he still do? She's the most reason his album talk about love... and Watermelon Sugar is about oral sex, wait. In Watermelon Sugar is Camille's favorite book, I remember her telling me. So, basically, I help him talk about oral sex with another woman he love?

My phone ping into my pocket and I'm relieved. I look at it to find a text from Ron.

From Ron: How's New York? wink wink

I would normally find him funny with the teasing, but right now I'm just not in the mood. I still feel Harry burning gaze on me, but I don't look at him, I' don't want to face him right now.

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