Chapter 48

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-Harry POV-

"Hey, there, Harry, look over here."

How nice. Paps spot me. I'm moody and I don't want to deal with them. I rush to my car and put one of the juice I just bought on the roof of my Tesla, and the stupid cup slip between my finger. How thrilling. Now the entire world will know I'll clumsy.

Told you, I'm moody.

The met gala is in three days and I'm fucking anxious. I know it'll be fine, but a lot of people are expecting from me, and it really makes me stressed. The person I want to impress the most is my mum, obviously. And knowing that my mum will be proud of me is enough to makes me fucking nervous.

But it's not all. It's been 2 weeks I've been waiting for Emma to tell me she's back in LA. But that text never came. I was moving forward, I want to forgive her, start again, because I fucking miss her, but she's not making a step toward me. I even ask Cameron if she was in LA or lying to me, he only reply by a short text saying "She's not in LA."

She's not in LA.

Is she back in Quebec for good? I thought she loved it in LA. She even have found a job, I don't understand anything. But the only thing I could read into that, is that she don't want to see me.

Yes, that probably it. She don't want to see me again because I rejected her in the worst way I could have. Yet she hurt me too. Why things are so complicated?

Because you've made them complicated.

Everything happens for a reason, I guess. So I'll be flying tomorrow to New York, and leave, again, her behind.

I keep telling myself I need to let her go, forget about her, our life are too complicated and different. But I can't bear the idea, so even less do it.

I need her by my side. She's my rock. I need to bring her back to me. At any cost, really. I park in Jeff driveway and stop the car.

I take my phone and look at my lockscreen, the same as 7 month ago, the one I take at the beach. I would give anything, to come back to that right moment. Seeing her smile like that, all happy. I would give anything. I open my chat conversation with her and look at her last text for a long moment. Wondering if we'll ever fix things.

A tap on the window startle me and I look at the person responsible for that sound. Jeff.

I open the door and look at him, telling him with my face that he is bothering me.

"What are you doing H?"

I hand him his juice. "Can you give me five minutes?" He backup, holding is hands up in defense, turn on his heels and leave inside.

I look back at my phone and hit the call button. It start ringing and my anxiety raise up in a second. I'm chewing the inside of my cheeks until I hear ruffling on the other side of the speaker. I swear my heart stop beating.

"Hello?" The person who answer, that is not Emma, don't even let me time to speak before she scream "Hey, Emma, who's Cheeky British Bastard?" I smirk. She kept that name in her phone and that warm my heart. I don't know why, but it does.

"Erm, it's a... give me my phone please." I hear a soft voice quietly say in the background. There's some ruffling sound once again and then there it is, her beautiful angel voice. "Hello?" She know it's me, yet she act like it was a total stranger.

"Hi." Is all I manage to say. Look like I lost any vocabulary.

"Why..." She clear her throat, like she's fighting a sob, but I'm probably imagining things. "Why are you calling me?" I can literally hear struggle in her voice.

"I just want to take news from you, you never text me back." Is it too rude? Damn I shouldn't have said that.

"Yeah, hum, sorry 'bout that." That's it?

"So, what's up?" Why is she so quiet? It's not like her. She normally babble all the time.

"Emma, Come on, we need to go." I hear the voice from earlier say to her in the background.

"Look, Har...erm, Jerry, I need to go or I'll be late to work." What?

"Work, but I thought you didn't..." She cut me before I go further.

"Bye, Jerry." And she hung up.

What the hell did just happened? First thing first, she called me Jerry, like her dad does. But why? Maybe she don't want her friend to know who I am. That would be plausible. Second thing, work? She's not supposed to be in LA, so why is she late to work? Is she working somewhere else? If she is, it's still in the US, because her coworker is speaking english too. Or she's in Canada? Have she moved? God, I'm so confused.

I get inside and sit down in the sitting room. Jeff is looking at me, but I don't stop looking at the wall in front of me.

"What happened?"

"Nothing, really." I mumble. I still don't get it, but I'm not gonna linger on that all day.

"Are you ready for tomorrow." I look at him, pleased with the fact that he didn't pushed it, again.

"Yeah, of course. I lived in a bag, of course I'm ready." I shrug.

"I mean, emotionally." He stare at me, with two big eyes that seems to burn through me.

"Yes, I'm okay, Jeff." Yeah, right, like he is going to buy that.

"Well, whatever is in your head, put it aside Harry. I need you all concentrated until the end of the gala." I nod to him, slightly annoyed with him. I know I need to be concentrated, but it's not like I could take Emma out of my thoughts in a snap of fingers.

Me and Jeff go into every details for the days to come once again, and we part our ways to get ready for the next morning.


The flight goes pretty well and we're about to get out of that taxi to reach my house. Well I'll be exiting the taxi, Jeff goes to his place. I want to be alone in my home tonight and I don't want to surround by people. Reason: I'm a nervous wreck, and I need to relax.

I get out of the taxi and wave to Jeff and Glenn. I take my bag in the trunk and get inside the building. I live in Tribeca, in a beautiful neighborhood with nice neighbors like Ryan Reynold and Blake Lively. I rarely see them, but it happened. I live at the top floor with a deck on the roof, it's probably the reason why I bought that penthouse. The spa on the roof have an amazing view of the city, and is seriously soothing.

I put my bag down on my bed and go in the shower to relax a bit. When I get out I realise I want to take a walk, and Tribeca is perfect for that, since it's not too touristy. I put a beanie on and sunglasses and go outside. It's not too cold outside, the weather is warming for beginning of May.

I don't make a block away before I stop dead in my track. I look at the other side of the street, when a beautiful familiar blonde woman get out of a restaurant, following by a red hair woman. My mouth fall open.


No it can't be, she's not in New York, she's someplace where she don't want me to reach her. It can't be her. No, she's not nowhere near here.

I shake my head to clear my mind and continu my walk on the busy street of Tribeca. 


A/N Short chapter, sorry :/ 

The next one will answer your expectation. :)


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