Chapter 33

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-Harry POV-

It's been 1 week that I have left LA to London, alone. Emma couldn't switch shift with her coworker. It's November 9th today and I keep texting her to know how she is. Wolsey fire start yesterday in California and I need to admit that I'm worried about her. A lot of place are evacuated and it's clearly way to close from my district for my liking. The fire's getting bigger from hour to hour, but at this point they can't tell if it's going to touch Hollywood Hill. She keeps telling me that she's fine, but my conscience would be more please if she was by my side.

Gemma is over mine for lunch, it's being more than 3 months I didn't see her. She come to LA in July with mum, but I've missed them. 3 months without seeing the women of your life is way too much. But I was working on my tour and now second album, so time is a rare thing in my schedule. I have planned a whole month in England to spend time with my family and I know it do me good. God knows when you're in a rush in things, you sometimes forgot your priorities, it feels good to return to our roots.

"So, how it's going on with you and Michal? Any thoughts about doing me a niece or nephew?"

"You know I'm not there yet, Hazza." She dipped her fingers in her glass of water and send drops my way, teasing me.

"Clock's ticking sis', you're almost 28. Your kid will be 10 and you're going to have wrinkles."

"Shut it, would you. There's no need to rush into those things. Anyway, enough about me. What about you and Mr. Ro..." I cut in.

"Stop with that, it's becoming annoying." She always tease me with that story when I see her. I should have never told her. I sigh loudly. "But if you wondering, yes, I'm becoming serious with a special someone. And no, you don't know her."

"Her? Oh, well, why did you not bring her here during your vacation?"

"Because she can't take vacancy."

"You mean, she's not a VS angel? Wow." She reach for my head and touch my forehead. "No fever, are you sure you're not sick?" I slap her hand away.

"Ha-ha-ha, very funny, Miss 'I'm a social influencer and sunglasses maker'. I don't always date VS model."

"So what is she doing for a living? Actress, singer... Oh! Better, she's an athlete." Oh my god, Gem. I put my head on my palm and take a deep breath.

"You're exasperating. No, she do have the potential to be an excellent musician and singer, but you're far from it. She's a nurse."

"You mean you're dating a normal person, for real?" She look at me with an amazed expression.

"Famous people are normal, what the hell?" She dismissed my comment with her hand.

"Yeah, yeah, except from you, they are." I act like she didn't insult me. I know she's doing it to tease me. "Where did you meet her? I mean, you always hang out with celeb people, so I'm wondering."

"She's best friend with the Azoff's siblings."

"Well, well, well. Look at you, you're all goofy. Do you have a picture of her?" I smirk and reach for my phone.

I do have a lot of pictures, but my favorite one is the one I took on the beach after I came back from Japan. She's all smiling and having fun. That's also my phone's wallpaper. But I'm not showing that to my sister, I keep that memory selfishly to myself. I show her instead a picture I took last week before I leave for UK. We grab a last coffee together before my departure. She was driving me to the airport and suggest we did a quick stop at Sunlife Organics for an iced coffee, which I had agreed. She was wearing her glasses that day. She don't wear them a lot. I didn't even know she had glasses until she had moved to mine. She was standing there, waiting for me, and I took the picture with her unaware I was taking it. She is stunning on it. I extend my phone and show the picture to Gemma.

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