Chapter 24*

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-Emma POV-

I pour myself a warm coffee and sit in the living room. I decide to open Netflix and put Riverdale in the background. It’s time to talk to my sister. I didn’t talk to her since I ran away. I hit her name on my phone and it start ringing.

“Allo? À qui je parle? (Hello? Who am I talking to?)” She pick up almost instantly.

“C’est moi chérie, je vais bien. (It’s me honey, I’m fine.)

“Emma? Oh mon dieu je suis tellement soulagée d’entendre ta voix! Je m’inquiétais! Où es-tu? (Emma? Oh my god I’m so relieved to hear your voice! Where are you?)” I can tell by the tremors in her voice that she’s crying.

“À Los Angeles, je suis chez Harry le temps d’avoir assez d’argent pour me louer un appart. (In Los Angeles, at Harry’s, the time I have enough money to rent an apartment.)

“Ohh, tu vis avec Harry? Intéressant. Mais attend, tu compte habiter à LA? Genre, toujours? (Ohh, you’re living with Harry? Interesting. But wait, you’re planning to live in LA? Like, forever?)

Am I? Am I ready to let go of my life in Quebec? I don’t really have the choice. “Pour l’instant, oui, je n’ai pas vraiment le choix. Je me suis déjà trouver un travail dans mon domaine, reste à voir combien de temps je vais rester ici, mais je ne compte pas revenir rapidement. (For now, yes, I don’t really have the choice. I’ve already found a job in my domain, let’s find how many time I’ll stay here, but I’m not planning on coming back early.)” Maybe, someday, William will forget me and I could go back there. But again, beside my family and Alex, I don’t really have anything else that hold me back.

“Je comprend totalement. Prend du temps pour toi, tu as vécu un traumatisme, il faut que tu te soigne avant tout. Je pense fort à toi et je suis contente d’avoir de tes nouvelles. J’ai été chercher des choses chez toi après qu’Alex m’ai dit pour William. Tu n’aura qu’à me dire si tu veux vendre ton condo et je m’organiserai. Écoute ma soeur, je dois raccrocher, mais on se texte dès que possible. Je t’aime. (I totally get you. Take some time for yourself, you’ve experienced a trauma, you need to heal in first place. I think a lot about you and I’m grateful to have news from you. I’ve got some of your things from your place after Alex told me for William. You’ll only have to tell me if you want to sell your condo and I’ll take care of it. Look sis’, I need to hang up, but we text as soon as possible. I love you.)”

“Je t’aime (I love you)” It do some good to talk to someone from my family. It remind me that I don’t have lose everything, and it’s just adaptation.

I look at the TV and see KJ Apa alias Archie shirtless and I realised I’m sexually unsatisfied. Translate: I need an orgasm. Since Cameron leave after my argument with Harry and the last one is sleeping, I take a blanket and make myself comfortable. I look at Archie doing muscular, pecs all wet, and I slip my hands between my tight. I’m seriously in need because I’m already soaking my knicker. I start to rub my budle of nerves and sigh. Jesus, that feeling is grateful. I feel tension in the pit of my stomach growing fast, I do slip two finger inside of me to partially relieve the emptiness of my vagina, and I need more. I close my eyes, and I’m surprised to relived my night here back in september. I imagine Harry, lean on the pool table, his length in my mouth, deep groan are heard in his throat. Shit, I’m so close, my fingers inside my no yet pulsing pussy are wet, and I put my other hand on my clitoris and do circles with my index finger. When my thoughts are back on that pool table, I reach my climax, my stomach and the organ between my thighs pulsing. God, that’s relieving.

I take my breath and open my eyes, Riverdale still on screen. I look around the living room and see it empty, I’m still alone. I would have been embarrassed if someone saw that intimate moment with myself. I get up and head to the bathroom to clean my hands. I look at my reflection and I love to see me like this, I look wild, my eyes shines, my cheeks are red, I feel, in that precise moment, that I’m sexy. I’m not ready to show that side of Emma yet to someone. I need to heal my demons first.

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