Chapter 2

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-Emma POV-

"Emma!" I hear someone shout. As I turn around, the only thing I see is a hectic Jaye jump onto me.

"Happy to see you too, Jaye! I'll be more happy if my ribs stay intact!" I say, hugging her back. Jaye dark blond hair are straight and she's wearing a fancy cami and a high-rise skinny jeans that I presume are from Yves St Laurent. She only wear those clothes, I can't even just look at the name without my bank account bleeding.

"Grumpy much?"

"My seat neighbor fault, he was snoring all along and I can't find peace to read my book."

"Well anyway, let's forget about that stupid flight, and welcome back to LA!" she say, grinning like a kid at Christmas.

"Thanks! Now where's the food?" I add, touching my stomach. "Food plane is gross."

"You didn't change as I can see! Come on, I lead the way!" she say, guidding me to her car.


We had a propper diner, at Mcdonald's, my stomach need fries and Mcflurry, you can't blame me. Jaye is driving to her parents house. She turn to look at me at a red light.

"Jeff's going to be there."

Jeffrey is Jaye older brother, I saw him only once, because he is a lot busy as I understand. He's an artist manager, as as their dad, Irving. Yes, Irving Azoff. At least his brother's birthday is important enough for him to be there. Jaye told me he always was a little stand-offish with his family.

"Wow!" I look at her. "You see, I can't find another reaction to that." I add, laughing.

"Haha, I know. At least, he's bringing a friend with him. I've always get along better with Jeff's friends than himself. Anyway, talk about yourself a bit. How are things with Will?"

I cringe hearing that name. Can't blame her, I didn't told her yet. I was trying to forget about it, guess I need to tell her first. "Um, we didn't work things out. Guess I was too busy and he was too absent." I tell her, pulling at my fingers.

"What? When?" her eyes widen at the sudden revelation.

"One month and a half ago." I reply, looking down at my lap.

"Oh honey, why did you not tell me before? You must be so sad. I'm so sorry."

"No you're not, you hate William." I add, turning to her.

She pull a face. "Meh, I can't pretend it. And I can't pretend I'm sad about your parting, because I'm not, it was about time! But seriously, what happen?"

I laugh. "Happen that my best friend was right about him and it took me long enough to realize it."

"Glad to hear that!" she say, smiling at me. "Ah, here we go." she add, pulling into her parents house driveway.

There's a lot of cars in the driveway, one in particular caught my attention, a old yellow Ferrari. Need to admit, the owner take good care of it, it is splendid. A squeal get me out of my thoughts. I turn around and see Cameron jogging to meet me.

"Bonjourno, Frenchie." Cameron say while hugging me. His big round eyes looking at me, I feel small and safe in his arms. Probably because he's the double of my weight but still! Let's just say that my little self is comfortable in the arms of a 6-foot boy. But don't get me wrong, there's nothing more than friendship between us two.

"You're aware that's italian right? Not french?"

"Dammit, guess I put the wrong language in Google translate." he say, while looking at his phone.

"Happy birthday Ron!" I say, smilling at him.

"Thank you Frenchie." hugging me again.

"Now, not that I'm not happy to see you, but I really do need a shower!" I add, laughing.

"Come this way my love!"


Hot shower is always welcome after a flight, even if it's only for an hour. You are so squeeze in economic seat that I feel gross right after the plane take off. During the time I was taking a shower, guests was having dinner, since I ate Mcdonald's, I've decline the food invitation. Also, I'm a shy person, so I hate eating with strangers. I always feel that all my moves are watch and judge.

I'm getting dressed in the enormous guest room when Jaye enter.

"Some people down here are eager to meet you." she say with a smirk.

"If it has a dick, no thank you!" I answer without even looking at her.

"Come on Em! You can't let that coward of William Béliveau screw you're possible love life!"

"What love life?" I say, turning to look at her.

"Don't act stupid, you are funny, kind and beautiful. And Cameron praises you downstairs to a certain someone I know you're gonna love! Please just stay open mind?" she say while turning me to the mirror. "Now let me do your hair!"

"Argh." I sigh, defeated.

"By the way, I love your clothes! What is the brand? Micheal Kors?"

"Is that a joke?" I answer, frowning. Jaye knows I'm more the kind of broke people who got dress in Walmart. It is cheap and practical.

"Yes darling, I want you to relax, because even the foundation I put on your face can't hide your stress line on your forehead!" she add, laughing.

"Well it's your fault, you told me Ron is praising me downstair to some stupid guy!" I sigh.

"First, he is not stupid, don't ever say that again! Second, stop punishing yourself because you had a crap relationship with king of dick!"

"Slay me!" I add, smiling.

"I'm counting on it!" she say, winking. "Here, I'm finished! Should we head downstair now? You've being hiddind in here for more than an hour and I know Cameron missed you."

"Yeah, fine. Let's go!." I say heading to the stairs.

Who knew that down thoses stairs my life would take another turn.


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