Chapter 6

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-Emma POV-

I put my dry cereal in the garbage, only keeping my coffee, always keep my priority in sight. I see a vial of acetaminophen and give it a go, I really need to get rid of that headache. Harry put some bread in the toaster. He turn to look at me.

"So, how long do you stay?" he ask me.

"I leave Wednesday morning." it's monday now.

"You have a short vacation." he look surprise.

"Yeah, well I do need to go back to work." I take a gulp of almost cold coffee.

"Right, you're a nurse. Probably hard to have a day off." he respond, grinning.

"Yup." I smile softly.

Without another word, I head outside where I know I'm going to find Jaye. I don't trust myself alone with Harry. I spot a lounge chair and make myself comfortable on it. Jaye put her sunglasses up.

"You look better." she say, smiling.

"Well, I've been better." I add, looking to her. I see Harry get outside with Jeff, heading to our direction.

"Is he chasing me?" I mumble. I hear Jaye snicker.

"So womens, what did you planned today?" Jeff ask us.

"Dying." I say, flatly.

"No no no, you're not dying under my roof!" Cameron say louder, get through the backdoor. "We're playing volleyball. In the pool." he look to me, smirking.

"I don't have a swimsuit." I add immediately.

"You came to LA without a bathing suit? You're so weird." he laugh. "Well I don't care, use one of Jaye's many ones." Jaye approved.

"I guess I don't have any chance against you two." I say while getting up.

"Nope!" they say at the same time.

I head inside, need to find a swimsuit. Me and Jaye are really not in the same body shape, so I don't even know if I'll be able to find something. It's been about twenty minutes of unsuccessful search I hear Jaye enter her room.

"Need help?" she ask.

"Sure! I don't have enough boobs to fit in your bikini."

"I think there's one you'll be fine." She search in her drawer, she have way too much clothes. "Ah Ah! There it is. Try this, I've never wear it, it was too small."

"And you kept it because...?"

"I'm a clothes-olic" she laugh.

I head in the bathroom to put it on. It's a beautiful simple red bikini, which attaches to the front, and crosses in the back. The bottom is a little high rise waist, which I love. I put it on, it fits perfectly. I get out of the bathroom and hear Jaye gasp.

"Jesus, if I was bisexual, I would be totally wet." I roll my eyes. "Seriously Em, you are stunning in that bikini."

"I'm not doing a fashion show, so who cares?" I say, crossing my arms.

"Harry." she answer, grinning.

I sigh, rolling my eyes. No need to reply, I head downstair, taking a towel on my way. The minute I step outside, I feel all the attention on me, which I hate. I try to cover myself with the towel, but I feel shy now. Dammit, I head to the pool, throw the towel on the nearby chair, and jump directly in the pool. The water is not too cold, it's refreshing.

"You don't waste time Frenchie!" Ron say while getting undress.

I smile, and see Harry looking at me. I say looking, but I should've say stare. It makes me blush. Thankfully, Cameron choose that moment to dive in the water, which make a good distraction. Jaye join us, letting only Jeff and Harry outside of the pool.

"We need more people to play, you joining us of not?" Ron ask toward Jeff and Harry.

"Go ahead H, I'll pass." Jeff say turning his heels to the house.

"Well, I don't have a swimsuit, but I guess underwear is almost the same." he say laughing and starting to get undress.

Oh. My. God. I'm not ready to see him in boxer brief, like really not ready. I turn around, making Jaye laugh, probably because I'm red like a tomato. I'm hot, way to hot. I hate how my body react to him. He jump in the pool, splashing me. It feels good.

"Alright, Em and Harry you're in the same team." Jaye say.

"What?" I can't believe her guts.

"Hide your pleasure please." Harry say, teasing me.

We play several round. I'm seriously not in the game, way too distracted by Harry's closeness. I hear Cameron sigh.

"Alright, we should stop Frenchie's suffering." he dive under the water and Jaye squeal. Oh fuck no. Please don't let it be what I think. He emerge of the water, Jaye sit on his shoulders. "Let's do a Cockfight."

Harry don't let me time to respond and dive under the water. I look at Ron and mouth "I hate you" to him. He's grinning like an idiot. I feel Harry's head slip between my thighs, and wish it was for another reason. Wait, what?

I emerge from the water, well positioned on Harry shoulders, his hands stabilized me by holding my thighs, and I'm surely wet. I'm so turned on it scares me. What is going on?

Jaye hold me by the shoulders and wobbled me in the water. I was distracted, that's the case to say. I climb back on Harry's shoulder, and try to stay focused.

We win 3 round and lose 2. We decide to dry a bit for now, I'm exhausted. I lay on the lounge chair, closing my eyes.

"So, you had fun?" I hear a low raspy voice ask me. I open my eyes and see Harry sit across from me, still in his boxer briefs, holding a towel.

"Would you mind, euh, get covered a bit?" I blush. He laugh.

"Did I makes you uncomfortable?" he ask winking and covering himself. I don't answer, my face probably talk for me. "I was wondering, did you sing a lot? Because you were totally amazing last night, and I realized I'd never told you."

"Thanks." I smile, shyly. "And no, I don't sing often because I'm a nurse, not a singer. I'm not like you, I hate having attention on myself."

"You're not like me?" he ask, uncertain.

I smile. "You really thought I don't know you? One Direction was my teenage hobby. I literally know you." I laugh.

"Well, you didn't show it." he add.

"No, because I was guessing you always deal with people jumping at you and try to stole you an ear. So I just act like I thought was right, and how I would want people to react if it was me." I smile to him, I don't know what emotions I see in his eyes, but it's intoxicating.

"I really appreciate it." he smile softly. "Erm, I don't know if you had something planned this afternoon, but I was hoping you would like to hang out with me." He speak so lowly that I'm not sure I heard it right.

"What do you have in mind?" I ask.

"Maybe a lunch at a place I love, and some hiking after that. You're not staying, so you must enjoy your time by seeing the best sight in California?" He's smiling at me, he is so beautiful.

I can't resist. "Okay." I respond, smiling.

"Cool." He grin.

I'm excited.


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