Chapter 20

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-Emma POV-

I wake up the next morning wrapped in Harry’s arms. I can tell I get used to it, but I shouldn’t. I know he want something more from me, but I can’t give it to him, as much as I want. He want me, as broken as I am. But that’s all I have left, the tiny part of me who can survive, and I can’t, I won’t give that to anyone. I can’t support another emotion in my broken soul. I carefully pulled his arms away and get up. I take a quick shower and when I go out, he’s still asleep. I go downstair, determinate. It’s my turn to prepare him a tea and breakfast. I put water in the kettle and in the coffee machine. I decide to do croissant sandwich this morning. So I put croissant in the oven and cooked some eggs. While I’m preparing the sandwich, I let my mind divagate. I’m glad for the time appart of me and Harry. I need time to build myself a confidence, I don’t want to rely on him. Hell, I don’t want to rely on anyone anymore. I know if things stay like that with Harry I’ll stay weak.

“Knock Knock.” I hear Harry’s raspy morning voice say. I was lost in thoughts.

“Who’s there?” I ask back, knowing he’ll do his classic jokes. I’m glad for the distraction.

“Urine.” He smirk at me.

“Urine who?”

“Urine’secure, don’t know what for.” We say at the same time. I roll my eyes and smirk back to him.

“How do you already know that joke?” he ask me.

“Are you kidding me? You said it so much you should have it tattooed.” I laugh, because I’m sure he already thought about that. “Have you done your luggage?”

“Looks like you’re eager to get rid of me.” He tease me. “Yeah, I’m ready to go. Let’s just eat those wonderful sandwich before we go.”

We eat in silence, then I grab some CVs and head to the garage. Harry throw me the key of the Audi R8. I widen my eyes and look at him.

“Are you serious?” I don’t know if I’m confident enough to drive that car. I’m the kind of person that have so much luck that I can scratch the car without even moving.

“100% serious.” He grin, I probably look like I’m about to freak out because he add “I have good insurance.” I laugh.

I take the seat behind the wheel, and I’m nervous because I didn’t drive a manual car since a long time. Hell, live free or die. I turn the key and start moving. I don’t have too much difficulties to switch speed. I clench the steering so tight that my knuckle are white. I hope Harry don’t see that.

“Relax, Emma. You’re about to broke that steering wheel.” He laugh. Yeah, really funny Harry. Okay Emma, relax, just imagine your in your parents’ Shelby and your driving casually to your sister’s house. Ah! There’s not so much of a difference, even the clutch is less stiff. “I can tell you're more comfortable now, but be careful for speed limit Emma!” Harry tell me, clenching the door.

“Are you scare, Harold?” I smirk to him.

“Keep your eyes on the road!” I laugh. This is funny. I decide to make him regret to let me drive his R8. I push down the gas pedal as soon as I reach the highway. Harry looks like he’s about to pee in his pant. I’m in LA after all, I need to enjoy it a bit. I may be driving fast, but I’m still cautious. I don’t want to kill the great Harry Styles. A lot of women would be mad at me if I did.

We soon reach LAX and I stop in front of the departure door. As soon as I stop, Harry get out of the car and kneel down on the pavement. He look like he is thanking god to have arrived alive. Such a drama queen.

“Okay, calm your theatrical ass, Styles.” I say, joining him on the pavement. I see some paparazzi at the exit door. They don’t seems to have noticed us yet, so we need to do a quick goodbye.

Harry get up smirking at me and get his bag in the trunk. He drop it on the floor and put his arms around me. “I’ll missed you Emma. Please don’t forget the promises you made me.” He play with word.

“I didn’t made a promise, Harry. Don’t say something I don’t.” I give him his hug back. “Come on, don’t miss your plane. You’ll see me in 5 days anyway. Text me when you land okay?” He nod, hug me one last time and head to the door. Before the automatic door close, he wave at me, smiling. I get in the car and drive away.

I go to several hospital, giving my CV at several bosses who ask me some questions, hoping they call me back soon. I go back to Harry’s house and decide to stay alone. I’ll ask Cameron over tomorrow. I enjoy alone time today. I decide to do what I really love, and borrow a guitar to Harry. I’m sure he’ll don’t mind. I play some classic like Dust In The Wind and Sweet Home Alabama. At the end of the afternoon, my phone go off.

Incoming call: Unknown caller

I quickly answer, it’s the police derpartment or the hospital. I wish it’s the hospital. “Hello?”

“Miss Richard?” I hear a man ask.

“Yes it’s me.”

“I have the honor to tell you that you get the job as a nurse in General Hospital. We normally do interview, but we’re so much in lack of staff these day that you’ll only get the probation period of 30 days.” The man tell me, enthusiastically.

“Wow, thank you very much. I’m so glad. So when do I start?” I’m so happy. I love my job so I’m eager to restart it.

“Actually, I know it’s a bit last minute, but can you start tomorrow morning at 8? It would be the best if we can have your help fast.”

“Sure I’ll be there.”

“Great! Meet me in the ER, near the nurse station. See you tomorrow.” The nice man tell me.

“Yes, I’ll be there. Thank you again.” I hung up. Wow. I didn’t think I’ll have a job that fast. But I’m happy. Soon as I have money, soon I can get out of Harry’s house. I want my own house. Even if I am really comfy in his home, I feel too much.

It’s soon time to get some sleep. I hope they have spare scrubs in the hospital. Normally, all hospital have, but until I buy some myself, I need to borrow them. I get in the bed and I hope I’ll be able to sleep. I’m worried about my nightmares. I close my eyes and rapidly doze off.


I’m reading my favorite book, Pride and Prejudice, when I hear keys at the front door. Well he’s late tonight. He’s normally home at 5PM. I looked at the clock which indicated 9PM. The door finally open and reveal a tired William. He look at me, and I shiver. He look pissed. I don’t speak to him because I know he don’t love when I speak without permission.

“Come here, Em.” He manage to order me, his tongue rolling over the words with difficulties. I get up and join him in the little vestibul. He hug me tight. I’m surprised, he normally never show me cute gesture. “Do you love me, Emma?”

“Yes, I do.” I answer him, unsure about his behavior.

“You do what?” he step back, looking at me with a dark gaze.

“I do love you.” I frown. He slap me.

“Don’t frown at me, little bitch. Now I’m pissed at you, so I’ll fuck you until your brain pop out of your head, you hear me?” He grab my arms and push me on the ground.

“No, no, please, please let me go. I told you I love you. Please don’t hurt me.”

“Well stop debate and you’ll get no hurt.” He grab me, hard, probably gonna leave bruises behind his tight grip.

“Please, don’t. Let me go, I’ll do everything you want. Please don’t do this.”

“No, no, please STOP.” I wake up, soaking wet. Shit. I hate that. It was a nightmare, thank god. My heart is racing and my breathing is fast.

I lay down in bed, sure I’m not going to sleep soon.

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