Chapter 58

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-Emma POV-

Infuse your life with action. Don't wait for it to happen. Make it happen. Make your own future. Make your own hope. Make your own love. And whatever your beliefs, honor your creator, not by passively waiting for grace to come down from upon high, but by doing what you can to make grace happen... yourself, right now, right down here on Earth.

Life can be a crazy ride. Some people can compare it at a rollercoaster, some other say it's a highway, some a dream. But I always compare life to a journey. Everytime when I was younger, my mom would tell me that it's the way we travel that makes the best trip. She was damn right. Because everytime that we were giving our heart into the time and space, the trip we did mark us. It did, because those best trip are the one I will remember everyday of my life.

I always describe myself as an optimistic, I know sometimes it bother the people around me, because I always say that everything happened for a reason, that if it's meant to be, it'll be. And I know sometimes that's not what people want to hear, but that's what I tell them anyway. Look, I've never claim to be a psychologist, so don't come to me for analysis.

Even when the times look really hard, I always been the one that say Time will make it right. It's true though. Time do heel some wound, and some other time it just help to bear it. Sometimes the only thing you need is to take a step back from a situation, take your time to think about it, or even sleep on it. Because sometime it's in our dream that our mind demystified the problem of life. Our brain at the best place and calm can settle a lot of thing, and I myself solve a lot of thing by sleeping on it.

That's what I said to Ron just now, but that's not what he want to hear, that's for sure. Since I've opened my mouth, his eyebrows are frowned and he fiddle on his seat. I've said it, I've never claim to be psychologist.

"You're way too optimistic." He exclaim, keeping his gaze on his lap.

"And what's wrong with that?" I fight back the urge to smile, because I found that funny. But I don't want him to think I'm laughing at him.

"Well, life seem so easy to you, it makes me think that I'm weak." I snap my tongue in a disapproving way. Ron finally look back at me.

"Life is not easy, Ron. But why linger on bad thing when a lot of good happened? If you spend all your energy on the bad, how could you find the energy to live? Of course there is some times that are worse than other, and that's totally normal. But everyday something new happened. Why not focus on the positive, and let the negative time to settle by himself. The way you told me about you and the other guy you never have named to me, I think it's what you need, time. Even if you try to change, that's wouldn't be true to yourself. And at the end, you would be lying to him and yourself, that wouldn't provide happiness for sure." I squeeze his hand to give him some comfort. The corner of his mouth stretch in a tiny smile and he squeeze my hand back.

"Thank you, Em. You're right. It's just hard you know." I nod to him and he take a deep breath. "What do you do tonight? Maybe we could order pizza and watch a movie together?"

I shrug and lean away from him, turning my gaze on the people in the café. "Niall is coming over, he said he need to talk." Ron eyes widen as he look at my face.

"Do you think it's bad news?"

"I don't know, it's been a while since we did saw each other." I tell him, taking a sip of my coffee.

"Did Harry know? That you're seeing each other?" He lean toward me and ask it in almost a whisper.

I frown. "You say that as if I'm doing things behind his back."

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