Chapter 30*

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-Harry POV-

I knew the bonfire would've been a great idea for Emma to meet my friends. That's cozy, so she's not feeling too much attention on herself. I know she hate that. Adam and Mitch give me knowing look when they catch me, my gaze on her, totally obsessed by her beauty. When I saw her shiver because of the chilling air, it was my cue to be a gentleman. I was holding back to kiss her cheek after putting the blanket on her shoulders. I don't want to make move on her in front of everybody, because I know it will be pushing it too far. I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket and reach for it.

1 new text message from Nialler

From Nialler: Hey dude, are you home? I'm with Raul at your front door ringing and no one answer me.

I smirk to my phone. Niall and Shawn here, that could be interesting.

To Nialler: We're in the backyard, come join us! The more the merrier.

At the same time I press send, Emma tell Mitch that she want to play guitar. I'm surprise by her behavior, knowing she is the shy type. When I see the almost empty bottle of wine by her side, I then understand. She start to beautifully play Hotel California, sing it with such a gorgeous voice that I'm am wordless. The way her long fingers dance with the strings is magical. That women is really talented. Niall and Shawn appear in the background and I put my pointing finger on my lips, telling them to don't do a sound to not disturb the wonderful show we have in front of us. He give me a knowing look, and listen to Emma. I can tell by the way his mouth and Shawn's one falls open that they are surprised. When she finish, Niall speak his inner thoughts, and Emma turn around, stare at them, bemused.

"Hey guys! Come join us, Emma brought enough marshmallows for everyone." Emma turn to look at me, I can tell she is confused. No, sweet Emma, you are not dreaming.

Cameron kick her leg to make her talk. "Hum, right, I-I have brought enough fo-for everyone. I'm Emma, by the way." She's about to stand up and put aside the guitar when I stop her movement. She look at me.

"You keep that guitar in your hand, there be plenty of time to great them later." She frown. "I know you, Emma. If you stop carrying the guitar, you won't touch it again because there is, and I quote, 'way to much talent that are watching me'."

"You are a freak Harry. How could you know what I was thinking." She tells me those words, smiling.

"Beautiful, you live under my roof. I know you better than you thought." I wink to her and she slightly blush than clear her throat.

"Alright, what about another song before I chicken out." She look at Shawn, and then smile. She start playing a intro that I know way too much, and that someone here own.

Help me, it's like the walls are caving in
Sometimes I feel like giving up
But I just can't
It isn't in my blood

Laying on the bathroom floor, feeling nothing
I'm overwhelmed and insecure, give me something
I could take to ease my mind slowly
Just have a drink and you'll feel better
Just take her home and you'll feel better
Keep telling me that it gets better
Does it ever?

She look up at Shawn, smile and say "Come on sing with me, I'm not here to shine." Shawn joined her in the next verse.

Help me, it's like the walls are caving in
Sometimes I feel like giving up
No medicine is strong enough
Someone help me
I'm crawling in my skin
Sometimes I feel like giving up
But I just can't
It isn't in my blood
It isn't in my blood

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