Chapter 31

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-Emma POV-

"Thanks for the lift, Mace. I'm running so late." I hop in the back seat of the Range Rover and Mason look at me in the rear mirror.

"No problem, Em. Do we go back to the house or you're heading directly to Mike Meldman house?"

"Directly to Mike's, I'll change on the way." He nod and start to drive.

I take out my costume from my bag. Me, Cameron and Jaye decided to be disguised into The Flintstones. I'm Pebbles, but like, a sexy Pebbles, Cameron is Fred and Jaye, Wilma. I take out my scrubs, I normally change before leaving the hospital, but the nurse who was supposed to come replaced me never showed up, so I've need to wait for them to find someone else before leaving. The outcome is that I leave 40 minutes later. That's a lot when you're in tight schedule. I put my sexy leopard dress, put volume in my hair and tie them at the top of my head, winding a bone in it. I touch up my makeup and find Mason looking at me.

"You... erm, look great, Em." He blush.

"Thank you, Mason. I did the best I can."

Soon enough, we reach the Casamigos party. The Azoff's siblings told me they'll be waiting for me inside, near the baseball game. There's a lot of paps outside the venue, cameras are flashing everywhere. I wasn't prepare to brace that. I take a deep breath, and here we go.

When I step outside the car, I could hear people whispering to each other 'who is that' or 'another nobody'. I'm not a nobody because I'm not famous. People, really. I sigh.

I finally reach the door, dazzled by the flash of the cameras, and blink a few times to get acknowledge of my environment. There's people everywhere. I saw Paris Hilton and French Montana at the first sight. There's probably a lot of famous people in here. The "nobody" paps would be pleased in here. I follow the cheering which, I believe, is from the baseball game. LA Dodgers are playing against Boston Red Sox tonight and they are in World Series. I can tell people in here are excited. I spot Ron with his big Fred head and head toward him.

"Frenchie, you are alive!" His voices is muffled because of that giant head on his shoulder.

"Thank god I am. I thought I'd did a heart attack with those paparazzis out there."

"I'm sure you do just fine." Jaye tell me, hugging me. "Jeez girl, you're sexy in that costume. Didn't thought Pebbles could be that attractive." I turn on myself at the compliment to show them the entire costume I manage to pull up in a backseat car. It's when I face them again that I see him.

"If you'll excuse me." They laugh at my sudden action and I walk to Harry's side. When I reach him, he is deep in a conversation with, who I assumed is Rande Gerber representing David Bowie. I tiptoe to reach Harry's ear and exclaim "Excuse me, Mister John, I would love to introduce myself." I extend a hand for him to shake it when he turn around to look at the person who disturb him. "I'm Pebbles Flintstones, delighted to meet you."

He smile, look me up and down, then stop to look at my extended hand, instead of reaching to shake it, he circle his arms around me. "You are beautiful, Emma." He muter in my ear, giving me chills.

"I need to say you gave yourself for the costume. You are incredible, Harry." I smile to him. taking a step back to gaze him.

"Whoa, whoa, little Flintstones. You're way too young to have those kind of contact with man." Ron say, stopping by my side.

"Well it's a good thing that he is a gentleman then." I smirk to Ron, who poke his tongue out. "So, what's the trilling about in here?"

"Dodgers are winning!" Harry tell me, pointing toward the giant screen.

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